BAttlefield 2 also quake 4

18 Nov 2002
Chester-le-street Durham.

Q about dual CPU Intel
Does anybody know if either runs both processers.

thanks in advance

BF2 doesn't, and just to rub your nose in it, it frequently crashes under dual-core unless set up properly.

No idea about Quake.
BF2 you need to set the .exe's affinity to one core for it to run stable, well for a few people.

Quake has a patch that allows it to use mutliple threads yes. :)
Thanks for info

regarding played Battlefield 2 on asus 955x , Intel 3.4 dual no chrashes yet, "lucky"
PS seen post's about enable / disable dual core etc in forums a few minutes ago

and quake4 gonner install it soon, dual core playing here I come

guys/girls thanks for info BUT keep it coming

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I've got a X2 and Dual Intel (my regular machine).

The X2 has never been really been used with BF2 but has crashed with some games unless i set the affinity.. however..with the dual intel 940 BF2 does not crash or go slow etc and i do not have to select the affinity! I get the usuall but occational CTD since 1.3 and thats it.
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