Battlefield 2 Patch v 1.3

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Taken from Official site. No release date yet

Although the 1.3 patch is still being worked on we wanted to provide a peek at what you can expect with the coming release:

Co-op: Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.
Air dropped vehicles: Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to be dropped at their location.
Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.
Fixed issue with players not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously play.
Fixed bug where friendly vehicles show up as valid targets.
Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles. The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.
Keep in mind this is only a part of what 1.3 will include. Our live team is working diligently to provide the best update possible in preparation for the release of the Armored Fury booster pack!
Bug fixes eh, this should be a laugh, seeing the server browser is still a laggy pos since launch and that hasn't been fixed, drawdistance bug where vehicles flicker in and out of view has been there since the demo and has still yet to be fixed along with a host of other things.
Air dropped vehicles sounds like fun. Hehe drop a tank on the enemy aircraft carrier baserape deluxe :D
You could air-drop vehicles in BF:V if I remember right?

Hopefully in BF2 this new feature is limited to transports only...
iGiDK said:
You could air-drop vehicles in BF:V if I remember right?

Hopefully in BF2 this new feature is limited to transports only...

You could do it in BF:V but the maps were too small for it to have any real value
they would have to limit the airdrop veichles or it will end up being over kill, esepcially in a clan war, or at least give it a very long spawn time
iGiDK said:
You could air-drop vehicles in BF:V if I remember right?

Hopefully in BF2 this new feature is limited to transports only...

You could carry vehicles witht eh chinooks but no one ever did. I would guess these will drop by parachute like a supply crate.
Other than Wake Island or Clean Sweep what other maps will benefit from Air Drops. Must be 64 player maps as well I guess
Deliverance said:
The air drops are only buggies/Humvees...even EA realise the stupidity of allowing retards to drop tanks or APC's on aircraft carriers

Info from where?
I seriously dont think they are stupid enough to allow tanks to be dropped. Imagine it, your pwning some noobs with your M16, suddenely a tank floats down and a bad guy jumps in it. Uh oh - Woot?! <cannon shell in face>
FirebarUK said:
I seriously dont think they are stupid enough to allow tanks to be dropped. Imagine it, your pwning some noobs with your M16, suddenely a tank floats down and a bad guy jumps in it. Uh oh - Woot?! <cannon shell in face>

Never mind that, think of the amount of fun we can have bombing spawn points with vehicles! :D
afraser2k said:
Never mind that, think of the amount of fun we can have bombing spawn points with vehicles! :D

Could load an Abrahams with C4 and drop that in. Kablamee. Quick way to get a good points Haul :D
^ this is Battlefield Vietnam we're talking about. This won't happen in BF2, the commander will simply drop a vehicle, like he does with a supply crate.
that was one good thing on BFV chucking a tank down and rolling over loads of people and then anyone stupid enough to stand near is most likley got blown up :D
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