battlefield 2 settings

8 Dec 2003
alsager, near crewe
hi guys, what setting for gfx should i expect from my system?

seem to not let me do 100 draw distance, dunno why but it seems like 10.....

can't really get the x-fi working with it aswell, what a pain.

got most thigns on high, but seem to get slight stuttering...
hmm, i dunno about the gfx tbh mate, as my mate in the next flat along runs it maxxed out at 1280x1024 with a x800xl all turned high and 100% draw distance too.
have you got all of the drivers installed for your motherboard? up to date-ish ati drivers?

oh hang on, i just noticed youve got a 20" screen, if youre trying to run it at 1600x1200 with a x800pro, its going to struggle mate im afraid, youll need to turn the res down.
it's a 2005 dell i.e widescreen, 1605 x 1025 or summat.... i might be selling this though and getting a diferent one....
its still too much for the x800pro to handle though, with all the settings high and the draw distance at max.
you could try turning down the rest of the settings and bumping it up a bit?
do you mean a new screen or gfx card?
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