Battlefield 2 "Stuck Keys"

31 May 2006
Hi all :)

Sorry if this has been posted before! When I play BF2 I keep getting stuck keys and the PC beeps even if I move the mouse. The character will keep running in a direction and any subsequent key presses are delayed by a second or 2. Sometimes it will also keep shooting after I let go of the mouse button. None of the keys on the keyboard or mouse are actually stuck down!

As you can guess it is quite frustrating. I have had the problem with V1.0, V1.02, V1.12 & V1.3. My specs are in my sig. I do not have a joystick attached to my PC.

I am using a standard PS/2 keyboard and a Logitech MX518 (plugged into the USB)

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot :)

i was just searching for something on this very subject

mine has just started doing it today on warsow, running on after letting go of the keys and beeping through the pc speaker

i've not touched any settings whatsoever :confused:
ja5on said:
i was just searching for something on this very subject

mine has just started doing it today on warsow, running on after letting go of the keys and beeping through the pc speaker

i've not touched any settings whatsoever :confused:

Sorry to hear that :(

Could you tell me your hardware config? Mobo, CPU, Input devices? I would like to see if we have anything in common that may have to do with it. I hope we can get it sorted :)
now don't laugh :p

1024 ram
9600 Pro
Asus Mobo

It runs most of the games i play fine but since coming home from work its started doing it. I did notice that it was doing it in Sin Episodes but i thought that it might have been a bug with that game.

Just tried condemed, doesn't do it on that? :confused:
ja5on said:
now don't laugh :p

1024 ram
9600 Pro
Asus Mobo

It runs most of the games i play fine but since coming home from work its started doing it. I did notice that it was doing it in Sin Episodes but i thought that it might have been a bug with that game.

Just tried condemed, doesn't do it on that? :confused:

I won't laugh :) A year ago I was playing on a system with a GeForce 3, P4 1.7GHz and 256MB Ram :P

Are you using a USB mouse or keyboard?
usb microsoft comfort optical mouse 300 and a usb mini keyboard, i tried swapping it back with a ps2 converter but its still the same...
I thought maybe it was an overheating issue but i've checked and its all a-ok

i just don't understand why its started doing it
ja5on said:
i just don't understand why its started doing it

Nor me :( It pretty much makes the game unplayable as it usually happens as someone starts shooting at me...or at least it seems like that.

Do you run Xfire Jason (I do)? It could be possible that it conflicts with the ingame controls but thats just an idea.

yeah it makes playing warsow impossible, it seems to be as soon as it starts getting a bit hectic the problem occurs

i'm searching the web but its bringing up pretty mixed results
Nothing to do with the latest patches from Microsoft is it?

I just installed them last night.. will report back if I have the same issues.
anyone? :(

i do remember it doing it a few times a while back when playing Pro Evo 5 but i can't for the life of me remember what it was but afaik it was something pretty simple
Reinstall your usb drivers and/or just try different parts.

Some motherboards have a jumper setting for usb voltage level, alter this to see if it helps

I was using a ti4200 up till a year ago and I wouldnt havent changed except the pixel shader was too old
ja5on said:
i was just searching for something on this very subject

mine has just started doing it today on warsow, running on after letting go of the keys and beeping through the pc speaker

i've not touched any settings whatsoever :confused:

Mine has started since the patch

i think it might be something to do with my Outpost firewalls 'game mode' whereby it doesn't show any pop ups/alerts when in game. I've tried it with another firewall without this feature and for the last 10 mins or so of playing warsow its not beeped once.... :D
ja5on said:

i think it might be something to do with my Outpost firewalls 'game mode' whereby it doesn't show any pop ups/alerts when in game. I've tried it with another firewall without this feature and for the last 10 mins or so of playing warsow its not beeped once.... :D

That's great news :) I on the other hand am still unable to play :( I have tried reinstalling, shutting down almost every program running before starting BF2 and it still does it. It seems as if there is a buffer which fills up and once it is full the game will not work properly anymore.
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