Battlefield 2 USS Essex AA Gun Turrets...dreaming?

11 Nov 2005
I thought i say someone using the forward AA gun turret last night (by the radar etc), whenever I have tried it to get into it, it doesn't work. Like its a dummy or just for show. But last night I swear i saw someone using it... Is this possible or was I dreaming? :confused:

If so how do you get into it. I can use the rear one by the deck no problem.
Thats how i would have thought it works as the rear gun turret just down from the flight deck works like that. But the other turret i just kept pressing E and ... nothing happens. Its odd.
Andr3w said:
can you get a screenshot of the one you mean?

Sorry i dont have a screenshot. But I am talking about the one towards the bow of the ship, raise up slightly. I have NO problem getting into the rear one, climb down the ladder walk 2 steps and press E. The other one I jump about and stuff pressing E wildly and... nothing?
Brilliant!! Thanks guys I didn't think I was going mad. And I definately saw machine gun fire coming from that turret. Nobody ever seems to use it? Thanks again!
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