Battlefield 2 wont load

Refresh rate? could try renaming the battlefield folder in documents and settings or manually edit the video settings file in the game folder. I think you could also set the size and rate from a shortcut to get round it or

To play Battlefield 2 in a window, right click your Battlefield 2 shortcut. In the Target section, change "+ fullscreen 1" to "+ fullscreen 0" You will get a windowed version of the game

then change the settings to something that will work better with your card/monitor
dread base said:
Hello all,

Just tried to load up battlefield 2 and it wont load it opens up but shows a black screen and then closes and goes back to desktop.


My friend had this problem, i think you should check all your gfx card and other drivers are up to date.

- Denic
This problem in my opinion is totally down to resolution conflict.
First time up BF2 likes to be in its default res. You have a mismatch somewhere.Reduce/alter your res till it runs then reset once up and running. Job done.
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