Battlefield 4 NOOB tips

24 Feb 2003
Porthcawl and Southampton
Hope nobody minds but I was wondering if anybody has any input for noobs?

The main thread is a bit overwhelming and I can't really take much from it and progress from being cannon fodder is painfully slow and very frustrating.

Being an older gamer, none of my friends game on PC so I'm very slow to pick things up.

I'll give you an example, it took me months to find out by accident that I can switch positions in a vehicle using the Fn keys.

Any simple, fundamental tips that might not be inherently obvious?
Thanks Josh, lots of those things I've picked up.

Interesting point about spotting and general collaboration. I mash the Q button as much as I can but clearly some others don't. I can only imagine they don't because it identifies the target to others and therefore makes them more likely to lose the kill.

Also I often think how much more satisfying the game would be if I could actively cooperate with others, certainly makes it difficult when coming up against a team.

Finally regarding snipers, it's annoying but if they didn't do it you wouldn't have the opportunity to respawn, take the long way round up behind them and put a shotgun to the back of the head :-)
Really appreciate the effort to post guys (particularly neoglow and buffetslayer). Lots of useful stuff to think about.

Some questions though.

What do you mean by "loadout" and "back capping".

What are "grips" in the context of a LMG?

Will the fact that I don't have a very powerful computer effect my efficiency in a kill situation? (i5-760+560ti+12Gb or i3-540+560ti 448+8Gb)
Brilliant. Much appreciated.

It's never really occurred to me that adding a grip to a gun could make it more effective. In my video game history a gun is a gun!
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Just found out I had loads and loads of unused upgrades for all kinds of vehicles.

Didn't realise you could customise vehicles in Loadout.
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