Battlefield 4 worth it?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I have all BF games, it's shocking really, I never learn my lesson. Anyway, been playing BFH and when with mates, it's an absolute blast, but the lack of content has made me sad... I mean, only 4 guns for mechanic????

Anyway, I'm hearing rumors here and there that BF4 has now been 'fixed'. Is that so? Is it too late to join in? What are the most popular game modes?

I need to get ready for Battlefront and I think BF4 will do me until then.

I already have it guys, I just stopped playing it shortly after release as it was a pile of ****

So... Is it all good now? Which game mode would be best?
Well, I really enjoy BFH, and I've always been a BF fan, there are a few things I don't like, scope glare for snipers is one. Such a giveaway!
Can someone list the differences between release BF4 and current BF4? None abbreviated, I'm a half wit and unable to take much time at work to google abbreviations.
In terms of balance, is it even? I like switching between different classes a lot, but I also like sniping.

Is it like other BF's, if you don't know the maps you're fudged?
Ok, well, I think my rank is something tiny like 14 or what have you.

I downloaded it last night, so I'll jump on tonight.

Any local lads from this forum play that I can join?
My. God. I'm. In. LOVE!

So, I jumped on, found a hardcore server (prefer casual...) with ALL DLC maps, and just wow... What a difference, BF4 is simply ****ing awesome!

I also forgot I bought the premium edition, so had all the DLC and also a mother tonne of battlepacks to open.
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