Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam Voucher Codes?

4 Jun 2009
Been watching some gameplay videos of this and it looks amazing, so going to buy it shortly :D

But before I do, just wondering if anyone has any voucher codes that they could give to me for free or any coke zone points (only have 6 points at the minute, need another 4 in order to get £5 off and another 14 to get the game for free from EA)

Have already entered one code, which was for 20% off.

But just curious if you guys have come across any better offers as I have seen some people getting it for around £3 using voucher codes.

Would appreciate it if anyone had any spares that they weren't using.

Thanks in advance :)
Which gameplay videos exactly? Because what Vietnam (unfortunately) REALLY plays like is a very poor, bottlenecked grenade spamfest. The vast majority of maps both Rush and Conquest have horrible bottlenecks and with the lack of cover you can be downed across the map without even trying.

Just a warning as to what its really like...

Just most of the gameplay videos on youtube, like these here:

I also read and heard that the vietnam expansion is a lot btter for the close range battles and the maps aren't as good for snipers (apparently) and plus medics etc. can't mow you down across the map like in the normal game as the only class that has scopes is recon.

I think it looks great from those videos, the maps seem really big and quite a bit of cover I thought, only problem that I could think off, which would really annoy me is people camping a lot.

Although I can see your point about the grenade spamming part unfortunately :(, last night was very bad on the normal game, the map called coldfront war (or whatever it is called :p), non stop deaths by grenades on the last section of rush :mad:

No points, but if you go to the page that allows you to enter a promo code, then leave the site, it will offer you a further 20% off. You must have pop-ups enabled though. :)

Ah right very nice, will give that ago, thanks :)
I think you've been talking to the wrong people...

M40 is lethal and has a much larger '1hit kill' distance than the M24 in vanilla. Some of the maps still offer plenty of range for a sniper to hide in the distance.
And you don't need a scope to kill from across the map on this game. Quickly tap any weapon a few times and you can drop any stationary player from across the map before he can react.
The maps may have big areas (only Operation Hastings and 1 of the Conquest maps, though thats more or less completely flat, are genuinly big) but they all involve serious bottlenecks which is where the vast majority of a round will play out. I don't know if its changed much but game would normally revolve around both teams battling it out in 1 bottleneck all game spamming grenades occasionally getting a good vantage point to shoot people.

Hmmm, putting me off this a wee bit now :p

If I can get it for less than £3 I'll buy it but if not, from what you have told me from experience has put me off a bit now, just getting a bit bored of the maps in bad company 2 and all the noobs running around with cg, sniping etc. and thought that this looked great fun for now until battlefield 3 comes out.

BTW, PapaLazaru, when I close my checkout tab for the game with the promo code on it, I get a pop up for the reason as to why I have not purchased the game, but it offers 10% off instead of 20%, so I got another 80p of it apparently.
You'd be better asking in the main thread to see what peoples opinions are. But i honestly don't know anyone who still plays Vietnam over vanilla.

I bought it after looking at gameplay footage. Wish I didn't now. I barely play it compared to BC2. I much prefer BC2.


Not sounding good, will have a read around and see, although IGN give a very high rating and they seemed to enjoy it a lot.

If I can get it for less than £5 I'll buy it.

From all the videos that I have seen, I think it looks really good fun and it seems much closer/faster combat than normal bad company 2, plus love the vietnam feel with all the music etc. :p :D

But as stated, the grenade spam etc. would ruin it :(
If you drink Coke you can use Cokezone points to get a discount at EA Store. Google for a voucher code that gives 25% off everything at EA Store you can use on top of that too. :)

Yup, I got lots of coke here, but unfortunately there cans, not bottles, so I don't think I can get points for cans.

Got 6 points and need another 4 to get the £5 voucher for ea.

Had a search around there, but can't see any voucher codes for 25%, any, which I did see have all expired, only found one, which was the 20% voucher code that I have used.

Could you link me to it? Please.


Imagine normal, everyday BFBC2. Now, imagine it all in brown, with no way to take helicopters out. Now imagine paying a tenner for the "privilege" of being raped by said helicopter, repeatedly.

Lol, not a nice image at all, the apache in normal mode are bad enough when they have flares enabled and a good pilot and gunner etc. :mad:, just get raped badly.

Don't forget

Imagine tight areas with grenades being thrown back and forth with no way around but forward through the grenade spam.

There is one such map that is really badly made, the first half is all grenade spam

Yup, also know what that is like from normal mode for the coldfront war map, port valdez, and some of the other maps.

How about snipers, are there as many?

Also what about camping issues with spawn rape etc.?

I also presume that the shotguns are still overpowered i.e. you can snipe people across the map with them and kill them in one shot :p
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