Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 Announced

Enjoyed the first one but lost interest half way through and didn't finish it. Hopefully they'll have a bigger budget for this one and make the maps more interesting.
I completed the campaign in the first game. Never really played much of the multiplayer part though.
I need to go back and play the first, I enjoyed what I saw but didn't really know what I was doing... I'll keep an eye on this new one, ta Valrak40k for the heads up.
Was thinking about pre-ordering it, probably hold out till nearer release.
I pre ordered (against my usual policy of never pre ordering) purely because I loved the first and wanted more of that. Happy to support a developer who actually makes a decent 40k game.

That said, that's my personal choice so I'm not suggesting you do.

Beta doesn't reveal much, but I like what they've changed so far
So the Beta Phase 1 is out for those who preordered, it has the fall of Cadia Prologue missions and MP battles, all factions are in.

Here is the opening Cinematic and one of the battles:

Looking forwards to giving this a go. I've had it on preorder for ages. Been over in the US this week so haven't had a chance to play it and don't want to spoil the campaign so am avoiding videos right now.
Anyone else playing the beta? I'm loving it! Still some odd bugs to sort out before release, but I'm really looking forwards to release.
Still not picked it up yet, might jump on it tonight before it comes out at the weekend.

How does it compare to the first one?
About to buy this, but one question. Do you need to play the first one, as in does the story follow on from the first game?
You can defo just jump into this game without playing the first. If your grabbing it on steam you can always refund before 2 hours played.
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