Battlezone 98 Redux

8 May 2004
Just putting up a new thread on the return of one of my fav games from back in the day which is to return this spring to steam and I can't wait to be able to play this again on a modern system.

I'm not sure but I don't think it will have the red odyssey addon which I have as I don't think anyone know if anyone has the code for it anymore.

Anyhow can't wait.

Just a note if you want to see the old game I recorded gameplay from the game back a few years ago and there on my youtube video below
NSDF Videos
CCA Videos
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Watched the trailer earlier, awesome, on all fronts.

Original was waaay ahead of it's time, great on a lan, and amazing in stereo 3d... still have the red odyssey box myself. Even though it was published, i'm not too sure if it was an official addon, so rebellion might not have the rights.

The 2nd game batted it out of the park, still play it.

Rebellion have done a good thing for the fans of the series with this.
There's an unofficial patch for BZ2 that really brings it up to date, one of the original developers worked on it, updates the graphics and squashes a lot of the remaining bugs.
There's an unofficial patch for BZ2 that really brings it up to date, one of the original developers worked on it, updates the graphics and squashes a lot of the remaining bugs.

Apart from a lot of the mission bugs there was a lot of them still when I tried it last year some were funny.
Still maybe they can work on that next.
Hopefully the modder can get the red odyssey to work with redux.
I think battlezone was one of the first games I played online (that and the original Team Fortress), back on 56k dial up. The lag was horrendous :D
Oh man, many an hour wasted on a LAN playing this. Plenty of rage quit induced tantrums after jumping out the vehicles and sniping mates hahah! Can't wait to see more of this!
It's Out!

12 quid off steam, worth supporting at that price. Positive initial responses, many thanks rebellion.
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