Bazzaz tuning software?



30 Oct 2006
Worcestershire, UK
Bit of an unusual request!
As the resident IT person, a guy at work asked me about getting a new laptop and what he should buy.
However he wants to run some engine management/tuning software for his bike from a company called Bazzaz.
I have no idea what this may require spec wise,and particularly, is it OK with Windows 8.1 or 10?
I think he runs it on XP at the moment, which made me wonder if it would be OK on a newer OS.
I found something on another (bike) forum that mentioned for Win7 it required a patch, but couldn't find anything for 8.1 or 10
I don't want to suggest something and then find he can't use the one piece of software he needs it for!

Problem is really, I am not a biker and only know IT and he only knows about bikes and not computers!
Thanks for all the feedback. i will forward comments on to the person in question and let him decide his course of action.
As unKle says, he really needs a netbook, which seem to have gone the way of the dodo now so that also makes it difficult to find something suitable. They do have their uses still.
I may suggest finding something used but newer than his XP one, which is long past its prime.
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