26 Aug 2004
sorry if this is a daft question to the many that probably know but i don't know much about it and tbh, reading all the posts will take forever when i am not sure which one i should be reading.

i've been on this one since may last year and with the usual dumbass way of clickign different buttons till i find out what it does i ended up cancelling a project i was on at 60% last year. it started a new one and that has just finished at 100%.

now i am lost because it's doing nothing and i need to know how i start another one?

can anybody help me in the right direction plz? (i am registered on the OCUK team, although it doesn't seem that many are still active nowadays)
Are you running BBC climate change prog or doing it via BOINC? If latter then make sure "allow new tasks" is selected under the project tab once climate change is highlighted if running more than 1 project. Don't know how the former works as haven't used it.
VeNT said:
iirc BBC Climate exchange is over?
yep seems so

It should be giving new work though...

What will happen when my BBC Climate Change Experiment model reaches 2080?

Your results will automatically be returned to the Oxford research team and you will automatically be given another, similar experiment. You can opt out if you wish. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a thank you email, if you agreed to receive updates.
ok thanks lads. info received and understood.

bit surprised, i didn't think they would have gathered enough info yet though. ill have to scroll through their site to see if i can pre-see the results so far.

just have to sit n wait to see if they auto give me another project then cos as yet...nothing.

obtw, it was through the boing i did it
Just to add to the confusion, BBC stopped issuing new work last month.

If you complete or crash your present model & you want to continue the climate change experiment you will have to migrate to CPDN.

If you go here All will be explained!

OcUk have a CPDN team, with plenty of stomping as most of its members seem to be F@H now .

BBCs down to 5 members now. I,m sticking around cos I have a personel battle with the guy who left us & took his 300k points with him.
dammed unsporting.

He stomped me yesterday :mad: but I took it back today :D .
he's got faster rigs, but might have less work left than me, if so I WIN :p .
Ah that’s the spirit, as team captain :cool: you have to go on. :mad:

To be honest if it wasn’t for the guy who left I would have dumped 3 model cos they

crash every week, which means I have to back them up daily which is becoming a pain.

We are in 11 place which for the size of the team is brilliant, admittedly without Ross

Graham we would be about 20th, if he was a team he’d be in 33rd place.
Team Effort

Hello Everyone.
Just thought I would thank my long suffering second Peter-B for that huge BIGGUP. :)

I came to BBCCCE after hearing about it on some late night news report when it was only Climate Prediction; soon afterwards I heard that the corporation that is the BBC was going to run their version of it, in conjunction with the original instigators Oxford Uni.
I had been dabbling in SETI for a while and was once the leader of that team also, (many moons ago), only to be trounced by my nemesis FOAD, who seemed to have a supercomputer under his bed. :mad:
SETI though worthwhile for us nerds, (and I carry the title proudly), seemed a little too impossible to ever see any real results. So on hearing of BBCCCE it sounded too good to be true that finally there was something that really could show definite results and help out something based in my own country. I was not expecting to get so much out of it, as to be the leader of another fantastic OCUK production, never mind 12th in the world.
So here is a BIGGUP to all of the OCUK BBCCCE team.
We did ******* great for a small team with only 54 members we all deserve a pat on the back for reaching 8th in the country and only 11th in the world
I am now in the process of setting all my machines to not get new work from BBCCCE and will be putting my efforts back into SETI for a while until something new to devote all my FLOPS too comes along or i decide which of the other existing distributed computer programs to switch to.
So to everyone above me in SETI

Thanks to all at OCUK for both supplying the team and for all the hardware I have purchased

Ross Graham
Sorry to see you go :mad: , but its happening to all the BBC crunchers “no new work”.

Most of mine are due to finish in April, I still have 1 spare model :) which I

might start if there is any chance of stomping Peter-McCann my nemesis.

I’ve lost 1 P3 which is now crunching CPDN, just 87 places behind you I shall

pass you in 9 months time! :D

I see that FOAD is mainly crunching Rosetta and a little SETI, he’s only

161,780 points ahead, with your output you should take him soon, but it’s a

very long way to the top of SETI

The best of luck Ross.

So are they planning to continue the project

I don’t expect the BBC will, I think it officially finishes when the last work units is received
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