BBC Computer Literacy Project 1980-1989

Ah those were the days watched all those back in the day it kick started my obsession with computers couldn't afford a BBC micro had to settle for an Electron got into programming in a limited way and I still script/mod for some games get a few hundred quid a year in DP from Nexus Mods
Loved watching these when I was a kid. I remember Chris Searle portraying the gormless person who knows nothing about computers being instructed in how they work and how to use them by his co-presenter.

Of course the BBC Micro was front and centre. The other, more popular micros didn't get much of a look-in.
Quite a fascinating watch. We take so much for granted with technology these days, but getting computer savvy must have seemed frightening to the average person back in the 80s.

Dad brought home a BBC model B around 1984/5 and at 6 yes old I started with that, progressing to an Archimedes or BBC A3000 in 1989. The RISC OS was so ahead of its time. When I got my first PC in 92, I remember thinking Dos and Windows 3.11 was a real step backwards.
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