BBC testing UHD.



11 Dec 2004
for those who havent seen it the bbc is testing UHD (4K) during the commonwealth games, they have test setup's at broadcasting house in london.

try as i might though i cant find any specs about what their classing as UHD, fired a few emails and tweets but the good ole bbc are still tight lipped.

if its anything like the HD im guessing its going to be gimped to hell and back, as i still havent been able to get a response when bbc iplayer will do 1080P. :rolleyes:
that was sony as far as i know and they recorded and delayed showed them, but that was only the semi's and the final. not sure how much info sony put out about it though.
you'd have thought with the way netflix has stomped over normal media that the bbc would up their game a bit though with iplayer. its still only 720P would be nice if it was 1080P now and then i could accept them demoing UHD/4k stuff but i have a feeling its going to be yet another farce when finally rolled out.
god i hope not, theres no excuse to be shooting in 1080i/720p only now especially when you can buy good 4K cameras for next to nothing from what they where 12 months ago.
I wrote to them about it a while back. They're not streaming it or broadcasting it so you have to physically go to BBC Glasgow or London.

yes i know that :P

i did get a email this evening saying they will "try" and find the specs on the test they are doing at the mo.
As part of its presence at the Commonwealth Games, BBC Research & Development currently has a number of ultra high definition (UHD) television screens at both the Science Centre in Glasgow and New Broadcasting House in London showing live coverage of the games. These screens are open to the public for the duration of the Commonwealth Games and free to view for visitors between 10am and 5pm in Glasgow and 12 midday to 3.30pm in London.
well finally got a reply from someone in charge.

Thank you for our interest in UHD. BBC R&D is currently working with the
other European broadcasters within the European Broadcasting Union
( to define the most appropriate technical parameters for UHD
in Europe. We are considering parameters such as frame rate, bit depth,
dynamic range and colorimetry. No conclusions have been reached yet, as
there is still further research to be done. The results will be
published in due course.

John Zubrzycki
Portfolio Manager

so god knows where it will end up. sigh.
was trying to find out what they where actually classing as uhd, res and bandwidth. after all iplayers hd in glorious 720p.

i know what you said, but unless your working at the bbc its just your guess, although a educated one as i take it you work in tv land of some description.
ahhh. just hope its more towards the 35Mbps end make a nice change from the current gimped stuff. sky movies for one even in hd can look rather iffy. although film4 the last time i had it in hd looked very good.
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