BDie or Not for ryzen

16 Jan 2014
North Ayrshire
Hey guys, Im building a new rig for my son, Just wondering is Bdie such a big deal with Ryzen? Im looking at the
G.SKILL F4-3600C17D-32GTZR or the 8pack 3600 Ram. Currently moving him from an i5 8600k to possible the new 5800x Ryzen for xmas. So starting to get board etc in just now an hoping to get a CPU for xmas lol
Depends on what resolution you want to game at as 4K etc won't make much of a difference although at 1080p you can gain quite a bit, also bear in mind that cheaper ram will still beat B-die if you tune it yourself vs just setting XMP on B-die. The bigger gains come from manual tuning which is where B-die really shines.
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