Beans on toast in a cafe, how much is reasonable to pay?

1 Aug 2005
How much would you think it reasonable to pay for baked beans and two slices of toast in a cafe? When I say "a cafe" I mean a greasy spoon, not an upmarket hipster cafe serving organic haricots on sourdough bread with cracked sea salt and Wiltshire chives.

Personally I think around £2.95 maximum. More in the region of £2.60. Anything above £3 is extortion and anything below £2.50 is a bargain.
This depends so much on where you are in the country. In London I reckon you could easily pay over £3, in somewhere like Hull you could probably get it for under £2. Actual cost? 3 slices of bread, a tin of beans + some margerine/butter probably comes in a lot under £1.
Isn't rule of thumb for restaurants something like 3x cost of ingredients.

I'd say an ultra cheap meal like beans on toast might require a slightly higher multiplier, though.
The cost of ordering that should be your life, you dirty baked bean eaters.

I'm not sure if there is any food grosser than baked beans. It has the smell and look of chunky sick.
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