Beat Saber on Valve Index

7 Oct 2015
Hi guys,

Current specs in my signature, but wondered what the recommended specs are for running Beat Saber. Surely it can't be that high.

Reason i ask is because with my setup and running the Index at 120hz, the Radeon software shows optimal performance averaging 60fps which seems far too low than what i expected for a 6800XT, and i'm getting a lot of dropped frames while gaming with a high reprojection rate. This is regardless whether the GPU is overclocked or at stock, and temps (core and hotspot) never go above 45c.

What should i be checking to help reduced the dropped frames etc?

On another side note, i also noticed at random times, the Index feedback seems a bit weak at times, and only resolves itself (though not fully resolved) after rebooting the computer or changing USB ports etc.

I also run the ModAssistant and some mods for custom songs. Could that be causing these issues?

Many Thanks
hmm should be default settings. If i click on per application, on Beat saber the custom resolution multiplier is at 100% for 1316x1516 if thats what you are referrign to.

I can't seem to find the slider for supersampling.. only an on/off button in the radeon software. Unfortunately this is my first AMD card in a long while so i don't know what/where all the functions are to set these stuff.

Though i did play around with the throttling on app specific settings, and seems to be better if i set the thottling fixed at 120fps

My Settings in the pics (not sure i'm looking in the right place)

Motion Smoothing was on by default.

I'll turn it off, and test with 144

After a bit more researching, i excluded BS in Windows Defender, and now it's averaging 110fps according the the Radeon software.

I briefly played VR using my nvidia rig and not experienced any stutters.. then again i can't remember if i had any dropped frames then.. probably did but not as excessive as i have with the amd rig
so after a bit more testing, i am averaging close to 140fps on the game.

Settings for anyone interested (though i'm not sure if everyone uses application specific settings or just control everything globally), it may be handy for others who were/are in the same boat as me:

Radeon drivers made no difference whether older or newer

Global Settings on Valve Index headset:
*Resolution set to auto
*144hz on headset - graphics card dependant
*Disable any overlays - steamvr, fpsvr etc while in game

Application Specific settings for the game:
*Disable Advanced Supersample filtering
*Disable Motion Smoothing
*Enable graph overlay in Developer mode and increase Custom Resolution Multiplier accordingly. Stop once the graph spikes into the pink/red region. Mine is now to between 150-160% dependant on graphics power obviously
*Throttling behaviour made no difference after making these changes

Radeon Settings:
*Radeon Anti-lag set to Disabled
*Radeon Chill Disabled
*Radeon Boost Disabled
*Radeon Image Sharpening Enabled
*Anti-Aliasing Use App Settings
*Anti-Aliasing Method - Supersampling
*Anisotropic Filtering Enabled
*Anisotropic Filtering Level @ x16

Other stuff i tried though did not disable after tuning the setup so not sure how much if any, improvement occurs:

*Exclude beat saber.exe in Windows Defender
*Download and run GCFixer.exe which fixed any in game crashes
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