
5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Ive developed a liking for Beck lately. Started with his part of Air's track on 'The Vagabond'. So i bought his 'new' album the other day, 'The Information' and love it.
What other albums out of his other stuff are good?

Thanks in advance all. :)
'Odelay' is pretty darn good, one of my favourite albums of time tbh. 'Mellow Gold' Starts off with a couple of really great tracks and rapidly goes downhill after that!! :D
Yep Odelay is good, still got it somewhere - and a rare import Loser CD single. :D

Saw him on stage at Reading a few years ago - he was great and the end of his set descended into a free for all jam/stage trashing session.
Thirding Odelay, it's my favourite. I've not heard The Information yet but his sound varies hugely so it may be completely different.
Sea Change is my personal fave, as it is quite downbeat and mellow, though Odelay! is a close second and is more innovative and original I suppose. Guero, the second latest offering is very good too.

I think it depends what you are looking for since each album has a distinctive style
I have to agree with all the posts above and include ''Guero'' in that list.''Midnite Vultures'' is also worth checking out
If you like the Information, you will like Guero. 'Mutations' - chilled out AND funky a great album but quite different to The Information. 'Midnight Vultures' - Funky album worth a listen.
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