Become engrossed in the game?



18 Jan 2003
Was thinking the other day and sometimes when real life get's abit tough I love nothing more than grabbing acouple of cans of Pepsi MAX and closing my bedroom door and let myself decend into the gaming world.

I think it's one of the best things to relax and forget about stuff.

Anyone else like doing this?
No. Pepsi max sucks. Get some real Pepsi :D

But apart from that yes I like it sometimes. But it has to be an engrossing game. No multiplayer games do that for me. It needs to be a single player game with a good story.
Yep did that the other day :)

12 pack of pepsi max straight out of the garage (nice and cold)
HL2 Episode 1
4 hours later it's all over and I haven't even touched the pepsi :p
Yep same here but its nice cold beers and pringles instead of pepsi.

4 hours later it's all over and I haven't even touched the pepsi

I know it was a bit too short really, but still a fun game and we have Ep2 to look forward to :) .

I used to read for escapism, but now it's games for me. I find multiplayer to be just as absorbing as single player, and an evening can disappear in the blink of an eye, which the wife apparently doesn't approve of. Oh well, I am, after all, 36 years old and a father!

If I find the right single player game, I'm completely the same, Half Life 2 was about the only one recently tbh. It's immense though.
know exactly what you mean, thanks to Psymonkee.....again, im now hooked on prince of persia, start playin sometime in the mornin and before i know it, its like 7pm gone :)
last game that did that to me was Quake 2 on wireplay.... had a £500 phone bill that month. when you dont have a job but have really really p!**ed off parents it encourages you to cut down. :o i kept telling myself... one more minute, its only an extra penny....

sometimes 4 hours a night for clan matches. :eek: :cool:

i was so good at that game though i couldnt bloody quit. then my parents made me. :(
I think I might be able to do this with Oblivion, haven't started playing it yet though, just seems the sort of game.

Last game I did this with was SWG.
Did this too many times with FFXI, started at 7PM (when i got home from work) looked at clock and it was 10... in the morning :o
Used to happen to me in the height of Quakeworld addiction sometimes... I'd be playing all night and then someone would find me still playing in the morning :o

As far as single player goes, the (old) Championship Manager games are notorious for ruining marriages etc.
Pepsi Max is amazing!

Not best drinking a cold Pepsi when it's boiling hot outside.
The last time I did this with a game, was with Thief Deadly Shadows. The type of game you play in the dead of the night, with a full moon outside, window slightly open during the winter for a cool draft, all the lights off in the room, 7.1 surround sound speaker goodness, graphics cranked up to the highest. Snacks and drinks on the other side of the desk. I got so involved that I only ate when my character Garrett ate. I had to stop when I found myself sneaking around my house in complete darkness wearing a dark hooded cloak avoiding all the known creaky floorboards with a dagger strapped to me..... ;)
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