Becoming "advanced"

11 Jun 2013
Hello everyone and please excuse the long first post

As an intro, I’ve been lifting on and off for a year or two now – made all the newbie mistakes early on but I think / hope I’m rather more focussed now.

Current maxes and stats
Squat 5 x 95kg
DL 3 x 140kg
Bench 3 x 70kg
OHP 8 x 40kg

Age 31
Height 5’8”
Weight 73kg

My aim is just to be all over stronger; I cycle 2/3 days a week to work and back which is a 30 mile round trip, and have a family which takes precedent over everything else but I want to be stronger and therefore live a little longer. I used to run (including London Marathon in 2010) but I’ve now realised that was just running fit and I want to be fit. I have no illusions of breaking any records or busting out of a shirt and I’m not going to make huge kitchen sacrifices to get a totally ripped physique – I’m too old for all that! I’m aiming for functional strength (whatever that really means!) and the related flexibility to play with my daughter and keep healthy for years to come.

Current program is (based on push / pull but swapped BOR and OHP as I felt I doing too much back and shoulders respectively on the same day):
Day 1 (Saturday) – Squat, Bench, BOR, Dips
Day 2 (Monday) – DL, OHP, Clean, Chins
Day 3 (Wednesday) (dumbbells only) – Shoulder 21s, Arnold Press, DB floor press

Rep wise I was going for 5x5 on all lifts but I chop and change a little (3x8 for squats). I try to keep around 20-25 reps for all as suggested. I think I’ll go back to 5x5 from now on. Rest periods are two minutes between all working sets for compund stuff, 1 min for isolations.

Where do I think I am? I think my deadlift is my strongest lift, and bench / OHP certainly my weakness. I’ve been reading around the forum and realised that my bench setup is atrocious so that may count for some of it (I grip too close but not CGBP close and don’t tuck my shoulder blades down anywhere near enough). I also think my shoulders are inflexible (although stretches are helping). I've had short Achilles from birth and two operations later flexibility still presents a challenge so I squat with my heels on some plates which makes me feel rather safer. I’ve done 5 x 95kg but I know the form was off so backed off to 55kg and just making sure my back stays straight and it doesn’t turn into a nasty squat / good morning hybrid. I have just started cleans and really enjoy them as a very different exercise for far more power and speed than I’m used to.

My third day is a weird one but I’m at home babysitting so only have dumbbell access. I was trying to use it to bolster my shoulders and triceps to improve my bench but not really sure what to do with it. Also used to do some split squats but I’ve really not nailed the workout one down.

Why start this log? Well, I already track all my sessions on Daily Burn but I wanted a more public tracker along with stated goals to make the next half year have some more meaning. It also will stop me making small changes to the routine every few weeks. And therefore here are some targets, of which I would welcome some views:

Christmas targets
Squat - 5 x 130kg
Deadlift – 5 x 160kg
Bench – 5 x 95kg
OHP – 5 x 60kg

Do these seem achievable and sensible?! I know that at my bodyweight, calculator thinks I would be an “advanced” lifter with those stats. That would be nice for the ego!
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Cheers chaps, appreciate the support / advice / ribbing!

I also appreciate that setting myself a goal has the potential to fail but i feel like I'm too aimless at the moment. I agree that squats is my unlikely one, but let's see.

Right, no more blathering from me - first real post tomorrow after DL day :)
Not a great start!

5 x 55
5 x 95
5 x 120
5 x 120
5 x 120

Serious lower back pump. I was lifting "inside" my squat rack to allow use of the matting I have and that may have thrown my form off. Or it could just be that I carried my daughter to nursery and she's heavy! Anyway, this really affected the rest of the workout

5 x 35
5 x 35
5 x 35
5 x 35
5 x 35

Back got better towards the end but I didn't like the feeling of cleaning the bart into position. Hence I skipped the power cleans


5 sets is more than usual and I must get a proper bar instead of hanging off the top setting of my squat rack!

So, a decidedly average start. Well, you've got to start somewhere.
Push day (14th) - good and bad


Felt fine, and had some nice quad and ham doms the next day


Doh. My bench sucks! Tried for 65 but failed horribly. talking after to a friend who is much stronger he kept talking about elbow flare so will concentrate on avoiding that next time

5 x 45
5 x 5 x 55

I think I'm jerking these more than really squeezing it up so might stick at this weight and make sure form is food
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Pull (16th)

5x 55
5 x 80
5 x 5 x 110

Dropped the weight a bit and completed the set fine

5 x 5 x 37.5

I never feel ache in my muscles when doing these but I just run out of the ability to do any more - what's that all about?

5 x 8

5 x 55kg
5 x 85kg
5 x 85kg
5 x 85kg
5 x 85kg
5 x 85kg

PB there (in terms of sets at this weight) but had some lower back pump towards the end which I need to work on. I think my head was dropping so need to focus on far wall more

5 x 50kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
4 x 60kg


5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg


Ok session- one good set, one annoying set. Loads of nice food today, rest tomorrow and give blood.
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Pull (after a 4 day break including one commute, one mobility evening and one day of upset stomach)

5 x 55
5 x 95
5 x 115
5 x 115
5 x 115
5 x 115
5 x 115

PB in terms of sets and reps. No problems, took more time between reps to avoid cheating. Nice back pump but not pain. 120 should be fine next time

5 x 35
5 x 40
5 x 40
5 x 40
5 x 40
5 x 40

Happy with those, last set and last rep especially was hard and had to work hard not to push press.


Grip gave out :(

Pull ups

Wow I suck at these! Sign I need to do more of then I guess, maybe alternate with chins on my pull day. Nowhere at home for pull-up bar annoyingly :( Awesome homemade protein flapjack for refuel though!
Push (commute yesterday)

Bench Press

Set 1: 5 x 52.5 kg
Set 2: 5 x 62.5 kg
Set 3: 5 x 62.5 kg
Set 4: 5 x 62.5 kg
Set 5: 5 x 62.5 kg
Set 6: 4 x 62.5 kg

Moved bench first to see if it would help - really didn't!

Bent-Over Row - Barbell

Set 1: 5 x 52.5 kg
Set 2: 5 x 52.5 kg
Set 3: 5 x 52.5 kg
Set 4: 5 x 52.5 kg
Set 5: 5 x 52.5 kg

Slightly less weight but better form

Squats - Barbell (plates under heels)

Set 1: 20 x 55 kg
Set 2: 20 x 55 kg

Bashed them out - I think low weight and high reps while I also work on proper form
Food update

I've been recording all I've been eating every day this week to get a feel for where I am

So, here's the lowdown (day, cals, carbs, protein, fats)
Sun 2202, 240, 122, 87 (gym)
Mon 2404, 279, 213, 65
Tues 1626, 184, 144, 37 (commute)
Weds 1138, 206, 50, 14 (unwell)
Thurs 2313 218, 128, 100 (gym)
Fri 3447, 234, 269, 131 (commute)
Sat 2285, 278, 162, 57 (gym)

So, I'm down on calories if I want to grow and get stronger. Friday was a meal out but I felt like I ate well on Saturday and still only 2285 calories. Right, some easy 3-500 cal snacks coming up!

Not feeling full of energy today and not really eaten a great breakfast...

Barbell Deadlift

Set 1: 5 x 55 kg
Set 2: 5 x 85 kg
Set 3: 5 x 120 kg
Set 4: 5 x 120 kg
Set 5: 5 x 120 kg
Set 6: 5 x 120 kg
Set 7: 5 x 120 kg

Hmm, looks good on the surface but I think my last set was very pull from the shoulders instead of drive from the hips. First three sets were fine then it went downhill so will make sure of proper breakfast next time as my energy really dropped for sets 4 and 5.

Set 1: 5 x 35 kg
Set 2: 5 x 40 kg
Set 3: 5 x 42.5 kg
Set 4: 3 x 42.5 kg

Yup, hit my limit. Target is to do 5 x 5 at this weight in two weeks though so got time to improve it


Rolled my upper back afterwards to see if that stops me getting too stiff tomorrow. Probably could have squeezed out another two sets but wanted to do some chins as well.


Bicep pump! Not had that before - I assume due to the pull-ups beforehand.
Push - 3 days off, two commutes

Bulgarian Split Squat

Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 8 reps

Gave these a go - tricky balance but could take some weight next time

Squats - Barbell
Set 1: 10 x 60 kg
Set 2: 10 x 60 kg
Set 3: 10 x 60 kg

Nice easy set with plates until i get oly shoes - got the heart rate up though

Bench Press - Barbell, Flat

Set 1: 5 x 45 kg
Set 2: 5 x 55 kg
Set 3: 5 x 65 kg
Set 4: 5 x 65 kg
Set 5: 5 x 65 kg
Set 6: 4 x 65 kg
Set 7: 2 x 65 kg

Bleurgh,really forced the last two sets

Bent-Over Row - Barbell

Set 1: 5 x 55 kg
Set 2: 5 x 55 kg
Set 3: 5 x 55 kg
Set 4: 5 x 55 kg
Set 5: 5 x 55 kg

Too light I think, good form this time without heaving at all


Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Barbell Deadlift

Set 1: 5 x 55 kg
Set 2: 5 x 95 kg
Set 3: 5 x 125 kg
Set 4: 5 x 125 kg
Set 5: 5 x 125 kg

Deliberately did just 3 sets and PB in terms of reps and sets which was nice. However, I was videoing myself each time and noticed that I think my back is very horizontal as I lift. Googling around this suggests I am tight in my hips, glutes or most likely in my case, my Achilles. It makes it more of a back heavy lift? I also don't really lock out very upright, although it feels upright when I do it!

Shoulder Press - Barbell

Set 1: 5 x 37.5 kg
Set 2: 5 x 42.5 kg
Set 3: 5 x 42.5 kg
Set 4: 5 x 42.5 kg
Set 5: 4 x 42.5 kg
Set 6: 3 x 42.5 kg

Happy with these - far and away my best ever


Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps
Set 4: 6 reps
Set 5: 4 reps

And best again in terms of total reps in on workout atleast. Forearms / grip caused most issues towards the end.
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Comments from the form thread for reference.

Hrm, lots to work on.

1. Your arms need to stay straight, don't try to curl the bar at the top.
2. Every rep needs to be reset, so no bouncing off the floor or not touching the floor at all.
3. Hip hinging, you needs it (read the past couple pages I'm sure it's come up a lot).
4. watch the video in the OP lots, and understand the lift.
5. don't pull the weight off the floor, imagine pushing the floor away from you.
6. Glutes, not even once. There needs to be some bar humping, your lock out is not happening.
7. drop the weight down while you learn.

Good work on getting a video up.
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