Bedroom Decorating Ideas

11 Feb 2006
I'm not sure how a thread like this will go down but I think it's worth a try.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm bored with my bedroom and am want ideas on what I can do to 'improve' my bedroom. I live in a shared house where I rent the bedroom so I kinda have to keep my stuff in here. I know the black furniture obviously doesn't help brighten the room but it was cheap and it looks alright (Ikea ftw!).

Picture quality is bad, they were taken from my phone and it is pretty late :) but I think you get the idea.

Thanks :)





WELL the 1st step to addressing a problem is admitting you have one, and sir, that bedroom is awful :p

Id say a bright colour, not covered in foil, its pretty dim in there, but then thats good for looking at pc monitor.
OK the furniture is black but did you have to match everything in the room to it?
It's like one of those arty hipster photographs where they remove all the colour, except for say a yellow jacket on the door.

Before you slit your wrists, decide on a (cheerful) colour you like and work around that, so new curtains/bedspread/rug.
And that DNA wallpaper isn't too appealing either.
Buy a few pictures while you are at it.
You could improve it be setting fire to the curtains and sending the wallpaper, bed, furniture, lighting and wall fixtures back to the 1980's which is when they were last borderline acceptable.

I'd move, to be honest.
Heart-shaped bed. Mirrored ceiling. White, marble statue of Eros on a plinth in a corner. Silk sheets. Leopard-print curtains.
Daft question, but as you rent the room I'll assume that the landlord is ok with you redecorating then?
Daft question, but as you rent the room I'll assume that the landlord is ok with you redecorating then?

Yeh decorating is fine and I'm not particularly a fan of the carpet either as it's the same one that's throughout the house so she's fine with me changing that aswell.
I'd probably put up some wainscoting, a decent engineered walnut floor, install intricate coving and do the walls in a nice dark green.

But then most people would rather just go "I want it painted magnolia like the ikea catalogue"
Dont paint magnolia, like you i wanted a neutral colour but i HATE magnolia, go for something from the cream range but not magnolia.

As has been said before i think there should be a COLOUR somewhere in the room, best painting either the bed wall or the chimeny breast with the colour and keeping the rest neutral.

Flooring, i'm not a fan of laminate in the bedroom i would go for a light coloured carpet if you can to give the place some warmth.

just my 2p
My room has all that black furniture + more and I've got black,white and grey on the walls.

Looks good together
Paint walls cream, replace curtains with wooden Venetian blinds, replace Ikea furniture with some decent oak stuff if funds will allow.

If it was your own place you could replace that horrible flat door with the tiny handle. Think these were popular in the 60s or 70s, but they look horrible now. They sometimes put ply over raised panel doors to make them flat like that. Could be a nice door underneath, or could just be a cheapo flat door.
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