Bee in my Speaker!!

6 Oct 2007
This is becoming really annoing now!!!!

Wen i turn the volume down via my speakers i get major interferance ! - but if i take a speaker out the interferrance becomes lower and if i take lets say bout rear speakers out it becomes lower again... but reeally is a joke!!

example if i want music on low and there is a quiet moment in it playing all i hear is .. " Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Not Kool MAN! Not Kool!

sometimes it will just stop tho and not buzzz... i tried lowerign the pc sound even unpluging from pc but still buzzes so must be sumit with the speakers... there less than year old.

any advice!?
what speakers?
what soundcard?
does it do it when the soundcard isn't plugged into the speakers?
Logitech ....5.1
Doesnt do it wen i pull all jacks out.... plugged it in DS doesnt do it.

I think the line in could be it.... i will kick myself if it is and i didnt fink ov that!

Will keep u informed... Thanks

(ps no sound card - on board Asus)
ok my line in is muted. sumtimes i use my mic tho so i have been looking for the playback option but cant seem to find it (to mute it is nessessery *cnt spell*) anyone help am on vista.
and whats a ground loop sorry ?

a ground loop is basically interference caused by different circuits being connected together - it can sometimes be caused by loops in wires and wires crossing over each other, so check for that

my advice however - hit it with a hammer! :D
One more thing to throw in the pot.... I found that one my Aegos sometimes, I could only hear the right channel. Jiggery, pokery of the 3.5mm jack did not revive the left channel. Dumbfounded, I thought it might be something to do with the onboard sound. I removed the 3.5mm jack and tried to earth the onboard sound - this was done by touching the connection at the back of the pc to a house radiator with a wire (I used one of those 3.5mm to 3.5mm leads you get to connect the sound to your monitor).

This revived my left channel.

Wierd, I know.
One more thing to throw in the pot.... I found that one my Aegos sometimes, I could only hear the right channel. Jiggery, pokery of the 3.5mm jack did not revive the left channel. Dumbfounded, I thought it might be something to do with the onboard sound. I removed the 3.5mm jack and tried to earth the onboard sound - this was done by touching the connection at the back of the pc to a house radiator with a wire (I used one of those 3.5mm to 3.5mm leads you get to connect the sound to your monitor).

This revived my left channel.

Wierd, I know.

yup, I've done that a few times with the same result.

Good idea Pancho....
a ground loop is basically interference caused by different circuits being connected together - it can sometimes be caused by loops in wires and wires crossing over each other, so check for that

my advice however - hit it with a hammer! :D

I tried the hammer was proberly the first thing i did, except it was my foot :p am not lying.

my speakers are Logitech X-530....

I cant see it being a "ground loop" unless you mean within my rig.
Like i sed i have tested the speaks on a DS, (green jack) - Fine

Even if i only plug one jack into my pc out of the 3 colours i will get interferance :confused:

thanks for the help to now
Connect your pc equipment to the same power strip you have your audio gear plugged into, and try again. Ground loops tend to happen when you have seperate audio devices which are linked together, yet are powered by different mains outlets within the building/home.

When two or more devices are connected to a common ground through different paths, a ground loop occurs. Currents flow through these multiple paths and develop voltages which can cause damage, noise or 50Hz/60Hz hum in audio or video equipment. To prevent ground loops, all signal grounds need to go to one common point and when two grounding points cannot be avoided, one side must isolate the signal and grounds from the other.

I'd suggest giving that article a proper read, then you'll know what's going on.
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