Been a retard - Dust on sensor

25 Dec 2002
Managed to get a nice blob of dust on the sensor on my D50. Shows up as a black semi circle in bottom right of images.

Is there anything I can do about this, or is it best to tkae it to camera shop to get cleaned?
You can get a sensor cleaning kit - Im sure someone can remember the link as I cant right now, sorry!
Most camera shops wont clean the sensor for you but you can send it back to the manufacturer for a cleaning (expensive but safe), or you can buy a cleaning poduct and do it yourself.

There are plenty of specialised cleaning products about if you do a google for them, including the methods for cleaning. You have to be very careful though, the sensor is very sensitive so make sure you know what you're doing before you attempt to do this.
Get a rocket blower, hold the camera upside down with the lens off and in cleaning mode and give it a few good blasts. I've only ever needed to use a blower to get dust off, it's only if you have hardcore stuck on dust that you have to do anything else.

The advantage of using a blower is that you don't touch pysically touch the sensor so you can't damage it. Well technically you aren't touching the sensor even if you use a contact method, you're actually cleaning the sensor's IR filter but that's neither here nor there :)

Have a go with the blower and see how it goes.
The trouble with blowers is that (a) high-power ones can actually damage your sensor, and (b) they're great at moving the dust around, but don't actually get rid of it all. Just about everything I've read about sensor cleaning tells you never to use a blower.

I've also heard some dodgy reports about sending the cameras back to the manufacturer for cleaning. They often come back just as dusty. I know at least one forum member who sent their camera in for maintenance and received it back in worse condition. I wouldn't send the camera off to the manufacturer unless absolutely necessary.

The method that was recommended to me and that I have found to be 100% sucessful is using a SensorSwipe - link. It's a small flexible tool (which is actually made out of a rubber spatula) which you wrap some lint free cloth (PecPads) around, add some cleaning fluid (Eclipse Fluid) and wipe across your sensor to remove the dust. The difference between this and the blower is that the SensorSwipe actually removes dust rather than just pushing it around. You change the cloth each time you wipe it across the sensor.

Take the time to read this article. I believe it's also the place you buy the SensorSwipes from, but I can't remember for sure. Got mine over 18 months ago. It was shipped from America.

You can buy the Eclipse cleaning fluid and Pec Pads in the UK, although I can't say where from because it's a competitor.

You have to be careful, and sensor cleaning isn't for everyone, but personally I've found this to be an extremely easy and effective method for cleaning my sensor. Once you get over the "OMFG I might damage it" nerves, and read the instructions several times then it's simple. There are others on here who will confirm this too :)

Hope that helps anyway. Good luck!
I use a blower & the pec pads // eclipse.

I only use the eclipse when there's something that won't budge with the blower - usually something ever so slightly damp.

If you hold the camera upside down (I use my tripod) a blower will remove dust as opposed to just moving it a bit. 9 out of 10 times all I need is a blower. It's also quick and easy in the field.
I used to work in a camera shop and have cleaned many sensors from different makes of DSLRS.

I've always had a 100% success rate using something like a Giottos Rocket Air, I find them perfect, they have a filter on the back to stop dust being sucked in and blown onto the sensor and are easy to hold.

I even keep one sat on my desk to blow the dust off my LCD screen.

As a previous poster said, if you turn the camera upside down there is no problem.

However, NEVER use compressed air from a canister...I had a guy bring in a Canon 10D that a rival company had 'cleaned' by using one of those on the sensor...they obviously failed to realise that there is still liquid fired out of the canister until it wasn't pretty :rolleyes:
I offer very good rates on sensor cleaning. Just mail me the camera and it will come back spotless.. :)

My specialist cleaning method.. :eek:

I know people that actually use this as a regular and standard method. Having made brackets that clip onto the lens mount and then into the hoover :o

Not heard any horror stories.. Although at best you really are just gonna be moving dust onto the alcove walls - there's nowhere for it to go!
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