Been off the game for a while...

13 Feb 2003
Over the Moon
But I am back mwuhahahaha :D

There is also another but...

But...I am so far behind what has been happening that I don't have a clue what's going on. Basically just before Christmas, I had a total computer fiasco, where 3 crunchers for SETI were in desperate need of repair or upgrade, so I decided to do the lot.

As a casualty though, one of them has been sold, one will be back soon and I have another part time cruncher (Work machine P4 3Ghz HT).

So basically my question, what's new? I was at the point where the the clients were out that made use of SSE2 and SSE3 instructions, but now I can't seem to find many references to them and when I do, they are dead links :(
Well SETI switched its software to the "enhanced" version. The new program looks for many more things in the radio data and generally looks more thoroughly. These can take up to 3x longer than the old fashioned WUs.

There was some sort of scandal hubbub involving cheating by the guy who made most of the optimized clients but I'm not entirely sure on the specifics.
Welcome back good fella :cool:

This is not a pimp....

But... a bunch of us ditched S@H for Folding after all the Bovine Smelly Stuff that went on over at S@H with Crunch3r and the switch to the enhanced version.

There are some optimised enhanced apps available, but the whole cobblystone thing seems to have lost direction somewhat.

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