Been putting it off, it's chain Clean Time! What's Peoples Weekend Bike Wise?

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
So, bought some "Gunk", WD40 and some Wurth's Dry Chain Lube... done 15 minutes on the chain with Gunk and a little WD40 afterwoulds (using a combo of the two), allowing it to soak right in and run off, done a bit of tooth brush action and now left it to soak in again and will carry on in an hour... hopefully it'll all be clean etc by later tonight. Will take "Eric" out tomorrow for 15 minutes, warm the chain up and apply the Wurth's to it. So, no more **** on the chain, all nice and shiny hopefully.

I know there's been some reports about WD40 weakening o-rings etc, but for me, if it's not on the chain for that long, surely can't do any harm. What do others use?

Also, now the bike's up on the centre stand, can see some right ole' mess underneath the bike, just where splattered oil's come off etc etc... and collected **** everywhere, so all that will come off as well. Can see this job escalating lol into something bigger.

What people got planned this weekend for their bikes? Anyone got any big rides planned then or is it working on bike?
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Going to give the bike a good going over now and find out how my scott oiler works and if it needs topped up. Then tomorrow if its clear skys im heading down to the lake district for the day since somthing came up when I planned it last week :D
I think it's service time for the 'Cat, I've been ridiculously busy with work recently so it's been neglected a little and needs some TLC!

However, if it's nice, that plan could be scuppered and I'll go for a ride... a long ride, far away from the aforementioned service parts!
Spray WD40 does not weaken O rings, it penetrates the seal (its designed to penetrate) and dissolves the grease within the rings (its designed to degrease), lessening the life of the chain (allegedly).

But wash it off after a bit and apply decent chain lube and you are (probably) good to go. That white filth that forms when WD40 hits water is the only thing that worries me.

I think its all a bit hocus pocus TBH, but that said I have never used WD40 on O rings, just a decent chain cleaner that is marked "suitable for O rings". There must be a reason they put that on there, no?

Wash it off and let it dry then sparingly lube it with a decent chain lube. After that ride it for no more than half a mile or run it for a bit in first gear on a stand to warm the chain then heavily lube it. No point lubing a cold chain. DO NOT get it on the rear tyre. Let it sit overnight to minimise fling.

TBH chain tension is more important than worrying about what you clean it with.

This weekend I'll be breaking out the watering can and cleaning the speed three. Damned hosepipe bans.
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