Beers of the World 5 - Round B

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

B - Belgium - Beer must be brewed and canned/bottled in Belgium.


Charlie Bravo 12
Lysander 12
Weringo 12
Ahleckz 11
Executive Beef 11
Russinating 11
Sonea Fifer 11
Bickaxe 10
Mike the Native 10
Repta 10
Martynt74 6
Feek 5
Touch 5



Barstool Fallers


Next round: C - Chocolate - Must contain chocolate in the ingredients or have Chocolate in the name (by Sat 15th May 12pm)
Bonus points - 1 extra point if your beer as the Lowest total check ins on Untappd (must be more than 100 though)

Sadly, Martynt74 may want to check where his beer comes from as Untappd tells me that it is not from Belgium. I will change this if you can prove it does.

Charlie Bravo got an extra point for entering the beer with the highest score. Westvleteren 12 scored 4.52 (138,878 check ins) so it must be good.
Weringo only just missed out with his 3 Fonteinen Framboos Oogst 2019 at 4.48 (325 check ins).
3rd was Mike the Native with his La Chouffe Blonde at 3.83 (284,898) check ins so quite a big gap.
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Here's my entry.

I don’t have any Belgian gin or rum so I went with Brecon for a few reasons.

1) It starts with B, so it’s appropriate for the letter.
2) Brecon sort of rhymes with Belgium if you say it quickly and don’t think about it.
3) There’s a company in Belgium called “Brecon” who are listed as being involved with the Distilled and blended liquors and Beer and Ale industries.
4) There is no number 4)


Sorry for not submitting an entry everyone :(

This round was just a whole string of fails for me:
I was looking at the Belgian beers when shopping in Asda, the common ones they have like Leffe, Duvel, etc. Then I got sucked down the rabbit hole of checking every single beer on the shelf to see which had the highest Untappd score. Erdinger was highest so I grabbed one of those. I laid it out when I got home with my note to take a photo and it was only at that point that I realised I had forgotten about the actual theme of the round and didn't choose a Belgian beer!
That was fine because it was Thursday and I still had time to go into town on Saturday and get something suitable - failed to notice that the deadline was midday and not midnight on saturday.

To top it all off, I decided to drink the Erdinger anyway last night whilst I was wiring up some electrics for my campervan on the kitchen table, had stuff everywhere and not concentrating on the beer. At some point my girlfriend picked it up and poured it down the sink thinking she was tidying up the juice she left on the table from dinner time :(
This is my one. I was expecting something kinda sour, but it’s so so sweet. Wasn’t for me, gave it to the girlfriend and she seemed to enjoy it but it was strange!

My entry...


I found a selection of Westvleteren beers in a shop when I was last in Bruges. They were on the floor in a wooden crate with a sheet of A4 paper on them listing the prices, but as they're not supposed to be sold in shops, they weren't overly cheap and were almost being kept undercover as such.
I wouldn't say it's anything special but we all have different tastes.
My entry...
I found a selection of Westvleteren beers in a shop when I was last in Bruges. They were on the floor in a wooden crate with a sheet of A4 paper on them listing the prices, but as they're not supposed to be sold in shops, they weren't overly cheap and were almost being kept undercover as such.
I wouldn't say it's anything special but we all have different tastes.

I had a quick search for one of those for my entry. There's usually a couple on ebay but they often go for silly prices. As you say, the only place you can officially buy them is at the brewery.
I've been there many years ago. At one point it was often referred to as "the best beer in the world". Myself, brother and dad ordered a pint of each of the 3 beers they do and we tried them all. I think I preferred the lighter one but I remember them all being very good beers.
Sorry forgot to post a picture, will do it at lunch.
@Lysander I bought that beer last week lol
Already had submitted La Chouffe so didn't take a photo of it.

Yeah, it was a bit of a risk posting a Duvel, but I thought I'd go for it anyway.

My other choice was going to be a Leffe 9. I thought it was more likely that I would get an extra point for less common twists on common varieties rather than Belgian Beer X.
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