Beers of the World 5 - Round I

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

I - Ireland - Made in Ireland


*Charlie Bravo 63
Weringo 55
Ahleckz 53
Russinating 52
Mike the Native 50
Sonea Fifer 50
*Touch 50
Repta 48
Bickaxe 47
Martynt74 45
Executive Beef 44
Lysander 43
*Feek 18

*Jester played



5 beers form Guinness but only 1 repeat and it wasn't what I expected
@Feek decided to get involved for once and I suspect he was trying to reduce the points on offer by his entry and rather surprisingly, did very well out of it with his Jester.

Next round: J - Juice - A beer with fruit involved (3rd July)

Bonus Points - 1pt for Highest Untappd Rating (at least 100 check ins)
Almost forgot to enter this. Was sitting in the pub with it in a bag at my feet at half four and then remembered!

Yet to try it but had some of their stuff before and it’s good.

This week was a mind ****. I thought i'd enter a Guinness to get the bonus point but then realised as the last minute that I'd likely lose the no-friends plus introducing risk of a duplicate. Got even more worried when Lysander said he's entering a Guinness as well! Here it is anyway

Opened it last night, colour was deep! It wasn’t bad, not that pineappley which I’m not sure is good or bad but could have done with a touch more.

Wouldn’t buy it again but I’d try some of their other beers.

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