Beers of the World 5 - Round K

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

K - King - A beer with the word King in the name


*Charlie Bravo 74
Weringo 68
Ahleckz 65
*Touch 64
Sonea Fifer 62
Repta 60
Mike the Native 59
Russinating 58
Executive Beef 56
Bickaxe 55
Martynt74 54
Lysander 49
*Feek 18

*Jester played



Well that was a varied week!
Not as much work for me to do this time as I could copy and paste.
@touch takes the bonus pts.
Special mention to @Charlie Bravo although if I have to type out a beer name like that again, someone will lose points.

Next round: L - Light - Must reference Light on the label. (17th July)

Bonus Points - 1pt for closest brewery to my house
Haven’t opened mine yet, I’m really not sure about it!
@Russinating - this is a LHG, I was worried you were going to find it but glad you didn’t!

Wasn't a fan of mine, though place i got it from warned me it wasn't great and sold it cheap so can't complain! Really surprised King Goblin and King Cobra haven't feature this week!
Here's mine:
Nice enough beer. Had a can of this in the fridge for a while and it took an embarrassingly long time for me to click that it had king in the name.
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