Beers of the World 5 - Round R

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

R - Red ale (or ruby) - Self explanatory


*Weringo 119
*Charlie Bravo 115
Ahleckz 110
*Repta 110
*Executive Beef 105
*Touch 103
*Bickaxe 98
*Martynt74 96
Mike the Native 95
Sonea Fifer 95
Russinating 91
Lysander 49
*Feek 19

*Jester played



Only the 1 repeat from @Sonea Fifer & @touch in a decently scoring round.
@Charlie Bravo gets the bonus point for his weak red ale.
@Martynt74 made me do some research as his entry shows as a bitter on Untappd so I was tempted to dock points....

Next round: S - Scotland - Made in Scotland (5th Sept)

Bonus Points - 1pt for highest Untappd rating

As this week was late, I'll give you all until 8am Sunday to get your entries in. I thinks thats what time the pubs open in Scotland.
Docking points would've been very harsh, the front label has the words Red and Ruby written all over it!


I've not drank it yet and not sure when i will get around to it.

With going away on Friday i've picked up a Scottish beer, yet again i'm not happy with it though. Luckily i'm quite content with my Tea entry :)
Docking points would've been very harsh, the front label has the words Red and Ruby written all over it!

The theme is Red Ale (or Ruby). Untappd has it as a bitter.
I had to go all the way to their site (took me ages I tell ya) to read about it (urgh...effort) where they describe it as a ruby bitter.
I get a duplicate two weeks in a row :(

I am confident round S will provide me with a one off though ;)

Not so much confidence for round T though . . . .

Anyway here's mine:

This was absolutely revolting. I had a quarter of it and tossed it. That quarter was like chewing a farmyard. Eugh!

I was however, pretty hungover and it was at 10am. So maybe that had something to do with it. I had a Tennents Tops afterwards and that settled my stomach… Morning drinking is ok if you’re at a wedding right?


@weringo - I was going to enter the Crimson Queen, but was trying to get the bonus point to catch you up….

@Bickaxe - funny you mention about 8am. I’m not sure if this is true, but the story goes that there used to be a rule that you could serve alcohol with a meal earlier than you could serve just alcohol. This led to some of the less salubrious establishments in a Glasgow having a ‘pub bacon roll’ which would be passed down the bar to each ‘diner’ so they could have their pint of Heavy as early as possible. I do wonder who ultimately ate the roll come 10am!
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I don't suppose we can extend to Monday could we?
I've just had notification that my entry for S isn't being delivered until then :mad:

Sorry mate, its not like there is a shortage of beers brewed in Scotland.
I've heard on the grapevine that nobody is entering Tennants, that has to be worth a couple of points at least.
@weringo - I was going to enter the Crimson Queen, but was trying to get the bonus point to catch you up….
I actually bought a new beer for round R but it got to 3pm on Saturday when I was out and realised I forgot to enter it! So quickly had to re enter the previous week's entry.

The intended entry was 4.5% so wouldn't have got the bonus, so no harm done.
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