Beers of the World - Round Y

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

Y – Year - The name or main image must reference a year (BBE will not count)
Main image is the front of the bottle/can, text on the what is considered to be the rear facing part will not count.
Bonus pts - 2pts for Lowest Rated Beer


Weringo 157
Charlie Bravo 154
Repta 153
Ahleckz 151
Executive Beef 143
Touch 139
Russinating 137
Mike the Native 136
Bickaxe 134
Sonea Fifer 134
Martynt74 128
Feek 84
Lysander 49

All Jesters have been played



Not that interesting this week, the Untappd ratings suggest a lot of middle of the road beers with the exception of @weringo with his massive entry.
@Russinating takes the bonus pts for his terrible entry.

Its looking like @weringo has it in the bag but there is a twist in the final week's bonus pts.
Feel free to re-submit if you have already sent one in.

Last round next week!

Next round: Z - Zoological - Must have an animal on label or in the name (23rd Oct)

Bonus pts - 3 pts if your beer has a mythical creature in the image (Brewery logo's do not count)
I ended up with 2 for this. Bought my beer a few weeks ago and then found a Rivington Barleywine from 2019 at the back of a cupboard. That’s actually rated quite highly, however I poured most of it away.

Mine deserved its low rating which is a shame as I generally like the brewery. It lacked a lot of flavour you’d expect from a strong Belgian beer.
I don't even recall drinking mine so must have just been am average bitter!

My 0 point holiday round has come to bite me, don't think there is any catching Weringo!
Oops, sorry. Another fail from me. Took a photo of it and forgot to send the email!

It was a pretty boring entry anyway, I was targeting the lowest score:
Looks absolutely superb!

I know off topic but I picked up a 440ml Hazy IPA from beaver town earlier from Sainsbury’s which I think must be new. Was a cracking beer!
This was my entry for round Y:


It was nothing really to write home about - not one I'd buy again and not one I would recommend either.
Boom! Was on holiday in Spain, so wasn't hard to find a low rated one... but this was the lowest. No problem at all when it's 26c on the beach...


I'm off to Belgium on Friday, will take a backup photo before I go but hoping I can find something proper random on draught.
Im still pretty sick so haven’t been able to get to the shops so had to have a re-entry. Although, it’s a fresh picture as I’m yet to drink it. It really doesn’t appeal to me at all. And it cost a fortune.

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