begginer drum tabs

I'd look at a few instructional DVD's to get you going. I'm not a fan of tabs - prefer to get it by ear or by watching - but I appreciate that it's probably best to start off by ear.

Stuff like the White Stripes should be easy going at the start - or the song I'm listening to (don't ask) - Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Love it :D

For other bands, the likes of Coldplay/Keane are relatively simple but it depends how quickly you pick it up. Once you've got a few grooves down solidly I'd recommend finding a couple of new guitar/bass players and get a little jam session - you learn a lot from jamming.

What kit did you get? :)
Dunno how this will come out but:

x-------------- Crash
--x-x-x-x-x-x-x Hi Hat
----x-------x-- Snare
x-------x------ Kick

Basic rock beat. :)
Ah good old Premier. Can't go wrong :)

Shame you couldn't stretch to something like a Mapex M-Birch, as they are absolutely fantastic for the money.
Pick up the books:
Stick Control for the Snare drummer. (published back in the 30s or something, but it's still the standard)
New Breed - Gary Chester

They are pretty much the industry standard for educational drum books. You can never really 'finish' either of them.
Get a metronome and a practice pad also, and work through those books.

Remember to start slow, and work to keep each note at the same volume.
Speed comes with control

If can, get a teacher. There is not a single drummer (even professionals) who can't benefit from a good teacher, whether they're helping to develop technique, or just showing you a new approach to drumming.
At the very least, have a few lessons just to make sure you're not using potentially harmful technique, and to make sure you're holding the stick properly.

One last thing: Don't tense up, try and stay loose and relaxed. If you're dropping your stick because you're holding them loosely, don't worry, that's more a good sign than a bad one. Holding sticks too tightly uses more energy, and can lead to wrist problems.

Most importantly, have fun
Read that, also. Everything you ever need to know about tuning drums, and more.
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