Begin Again

18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
After a crazy busy start to 2014 which saw me move countries, start a new job, start my first business, dealing with the upheaval of employing 12 diverse people, split from the girlfriend (before making up again this week) and settling into a new country where getting plastered 5 times a week are seen as the norm, I'm ready to start all over. Empty bars if I had to. I once cracked the top 10 here in Powerlifting Totals and if I had to try now, I'd come in dead last. But hey ho.

Like so many others, I've decided on Stronglifts as it can be done quickly. I can only really train in the mornings at 5am as I'm too exhausted after work to contemplate the gym, so it had to be something I can get in and out on. Yesterday I had my first session at 4:45am. Empty gym, loved it.

I thought I had to start with empty bars, turns out I weren't that useless (yet).

Weight; 96kg at a height of 6'3. Still have good muscle shape and everyone thinks I'm in great condition, but weak as my mum with a very slight belly.


5 x 5 at a weight of 60kg (watch out Ed Coan!)


5 x 5 at 55kg (this is after I had a 1RM of 150kg 2 years ago)

Barbell Rows

5 x 40kg

Actually, I did more than 5 reps on each, I went for 10 reps apart from squats where I was watching my form more than my reps.

The DOMS are probably going to keep me off the golf course today.

I probably won't be updating this every work out, but every few weeks instead. Just to see how long it takes me to evolve back to someone I can be proud of again.
Not much to add today.

Went back in squatting yesterday whilst still suffering doms but got through it. Paying for it today though.

Squats 62.5kg for 5

Shoulder Press 35kg for 5

Deads - 70kg for 5
Definitely getting stronger already. DOMS not too bad any more.

I've skipped some weights and moved my squats to 80kg now. Had some technique wrong and after being helped by a random guy in the gym, I'm moving it much easier. So this morning;

Squat: 80kg
Bench; 72.5kg
Rows; 52.5kg
1 week, 22.5kg squat increase. Must be on gear :p

Hehe, I should bloody hope I pick it up quick again. Was regularly squatting far over 100kg.

Think I'll stick to my 2.5kg increments now. It's getting a bit heavy .. :p

With deads and bench I still have a bit more left in me.
Squats: 85kg
Bench: 75kg
Rows: 55kg

Things are definitely getting heavier now. Not sure how regularly I could keep increasing the weights.
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