Beginner Folder

8 Jan 2010
I used to do F@H years ago and am thinking of getting back into it, whats the best program/software to use these days? I see now gpu's are used also is that an automatic thing or do I have to chose to use my gpu as well as my cpu?
If your hardware is as per your sig and you use windows i would say FAH tracker V2 is the easy way to get up and running.

It allows cpu and multi gpu control from a gui rarther than command line, its also regularly updated.

See Biffa's thread here for the links.:)
Yes hardware is as sig. Downloaded FAH tracker v2. Will look into how to use it lol. Also I had an account before with username etc, can I carry on from where I left off score wise?
Im not sure did you get issued with a FAH client passkey back then?

This is probably best answered by someone who has been folding longer than myself.
Nope no passkey. I have found my old team, my name and my scores so if I just input them in the config page I should just carry on maybe? Won't know I guess until I finish a unit.
Yes I think you should be able to use you old one, if you've not requested a pass key before you can get one from here:
Although I don't think you need to worry about this unless you do bigadv units but I think you need at least an i7 for that.

Thanks very much, got the passkey and mid way through 1st unit, hopefully be linked on completion.
You need the passkey to get early-completion bonuses for both SMP and bigadv WUs. As Les said, you need at least an i7 for bigadv. You start getting the bonuses once you've completed ten SMP WUs with the passkey in place.

If you haven't already found it, you need a separate client for GPU folding.
You need the passkey to get early-completion bonuses for both SMP and bigadv WUs. As Les said, you need at least an i7 for bigadv. You start getting the bonuses once you've completed ten SMP WUs with the passkey in place.

If you haven't already found it, you need a separate client for GPU folding.
Am Using the FAH GPU Tracker V2 which is currently doing SMP and GPU units, Can't use a new username or donor name without losing my stats, I have just started a fresh username but may go back to my original one. Only had done 420 WU on old one which won't take to long I don't think. Not really sure about settings etc so just left them at default for now. Anything I should be changing? Also is there a way to limit the % of the gpu used, ideally I would like it to use 50% so it doesn't get too hot and cost me too much money to do these tasks.
If you go into setup/configure/heatcontrol i think you can limit GPU use but i dont run gpu so cant test it.
It think it says I can't use heat control because of my ferni card (480 Gtx)will check. I have stuck a power meter onto pc plug that I got from energy supplier, typed in a code that is my tarrif and it says £125 per month!! Would that be about right? If so I can't afford to do that. Might have to do CPU folds only or even just the simply versions.
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What is your price per KWH and recorded Watts?

The number you give seems very high i would say less than £50 probably less than £40 but depends on the numbers.
What is your price per KWH and recorded Watts?

The number you give seems very high i would say less than £50 probably less than £40 but depends on the numbers.

Very hard to work out with npower. it says first 3185 kw @9.28p per kw and 167 days @ 15.1p per day. Watts doing a gpu and smp fold is sitting at 425w
:)OK 425X24=10200 =10.2KWh day 10.2X30=306KWh month 306X13(average price perKWh)=£39.78 per month:)
:)OK 425X24=10200 =10.2KWh day 10.2X30=306KWh month 306X13(average price perKWh)=£39.78 per month:)

No idea what all that means or how you came to that but sounds a lot better anyway :D Thanks

Is there a way to get heat control to work with a 480 gtx on FAH GPU Tracker? Put in project number (the one from main page and currently running right?) put in 50%, apply and nothing happens :confused: EDIT just read the manual lol and no fermi cards not supported for heat control as yet, pity.
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