Beginners luck...

23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Right, following my 'help I'm a complete noob' thread over in the sports arena I'm going to start a log here.

First things first I accept criticism. If it looks like I'm taking the wrong approach someone please pipe up and tell me I'm a complete tool.

Basic stats:

Age: 27
Height: 6'
Weight: 13st 9lbs
Body Fat: ~20%

To start with I initially want to build strength (later my aim is to start building some bulk) and hence it was recommended that I try the Stronglifts 5x5 program and so that's what I'm doing!

Previously I've focussed on upper body, back and core only (epic fail).
Started with low weights on Stronglifts in order to work on my form before progressing and doing myself some damage. As I write this I've completed 2 sessions and having had a more experienced friend spot for me he's said my squats, benches and overhead presses are spot on. Need to work on my dead lifts (too much lifting with my legs and not my lower back) and my rows (should be completely parallel with the ground).

First session was Tuesday the 21st

Squats: 20kg 5 x 5 with 30secs between sets
Bench: 25kg " "
Barbell Row: 30kg " "

Second session was Thurs the 23rd

Squats: 22.5kg 5 x 5 with 30secs between sets
deadlift: 40kg " "
Overhead: 20kg " "

Note that I'm starting at max weight for now as I'm finding them all quite comfortable - is this something I should continue with or should I do 'warm up' sets prior to max weight on the final set?

Diet wise I'm on about 2700Kcals per day (hard to be precise as my digestive system is a bit kapoot!), about 30/50/20 mix between protein, carbs and fats. Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables in there. Going to shift that to 40/40/20 in the next week.

Next set to follow on Sunday.

Also considering throwing in something like inverse rows as I feel like there's a distinct lack of bicep work in the stronglifts program, any thoughts on this?
Bicep work is over rated, add it in if needed be or just do chins/pull ups.
Also are you doing 1 x 5 for deads? If so do 3x 5.

At some point you'll need to do warm up sets, currently just limber up as much as possible.
30 second rest periods seem quite short? As it's orientated around weight, I would expect a longer rest + higher weight to be more efficeint?

I rest for 2 minutes and I feel I definitely need it for squats (perhaps even longer) and deadlifts. Less so for OH press/bench press and rows.

After doing squats/deads I'm still trying to get my breath back after 30 seconds.

Edit: before doing 5 x 5 for each exercise I do 10 reps with an empty bar just to 'prepare' myself/body.
At the minute with the weights being quite (pronounced: very) light I'm finding that I don't really need anything longer between sets. I'll definitely keep in mind having longer rest periods between them once I up the weight though, thanks for the advice.

With regards to the deadlifts I messed up and actually did 5 sets. Oops! I'll drop it to 3 from now.

Liking the idea of limbering up or using just an empty bar.

Went shopping tonight and bought obscene amounts of Turkey and tuna. Phasing out most red meats I consume.
No red meat? A sad day, indeed! :)

You may find thirty second rests fine for now (I would encourage you to take the full two minutes) but you will soon realise why two minutes is the general baseline for strength training. ;)

As to biceps... Really? Don't get me wrong - I find training brocepz thoroughly entertaining - but a lifter at your stage/experience would be much better served (from an athletic perspective) to do what Delvis suggests and play around with chin-ups, rows and more chin-ups. However, if you want to bro-curl, do bro-curlz... Provided you get your primary routine in first. :)

Unless of course this particular grumble in your OP was meant to be ironic... ;)
It wasn't ironic. I understand that stronglifts focusses on the larger muscle groups but in terms of tragic vanity biceps just seem to be neglected entirely. Wouldn't go for curls because just...yeah but inverse rows or chin ups could be good due to the fact that they work multiple groups.

Oh and I'll never go for no red meat, what kind of foolishness! Cutting back though!
Pigs and sheep everywhere are breathing sighs of relief.
Well, continued last night.

Started with a 15 min warmup on the bike followed by limbering up and then a set of five of each with an empty bar.

5 x 5 squats at 27kg

5 x 5 bench presses at 29.5kg

5 x 5 barbell rows at 34.5kg

Weights are increased over what they should be due to using a new bar, 7kg as opposed to the 5kg previous.

Really feeling it in my hamstrings today!
Upped squats to 30kg

27.5 overhead press

45kg deadlifts.

Form was looking sorted on the lifts by using larger discs
32.5kg on the squats

27.5kg benches

32.5kg rows

Not sure why but my app seems to have dropped the weights down! I feel cheated.
Quick question, I am in the same situation and same weight/age as you but I'm a bigger noob in the gym..

I see you have listed your workouts as well as many other people on here but when they list them I cant really seem them even being in the gym for that long at all, is that normal?


"Started with a 15 min warmup on the bike followed by limbering up and then a set of five of each with an empty bar.

5 x 5 squats at 27kg

5 x 5 bench presses at 29.5kg

5 x 5 barbell rows at 34.5kg"

Wouldn't that workout only last like 20/30 minutes in the gym??

Yeah the 15 mins running warn up plus the lifting so that's maybe 30 mins total? Is that normal as I always thought you have to spend like 1 hour..
If you can do all that in 15 minutes, then good 15 (warm up) plus 15 for all of the above? ;)

It may be because it's a lighter weight, however once it gets heavier you won't be saying how quick the workouts are.

Either way, you don't have to workout for a set period of time.
Factoring in proper rest periods and decent rep times it's taking about 45 mins. A lot less time than many people spend in the gym but I'm, and others are already seeing changes to my physique.

On the downside I'm getting some pain in the tendons on the outside of my right knee and down to the outside of my shin at the minute. Thinking the squats are responsible but can't see what's wrong with my form. Feet are staying flat slightly wider than my hips. Back is straight. Hips are going down below my knees. No bouncing.
I'm due to do another session tomorrow. I'll see if I can get something on my potato to post. May wait until sun though as I want an opinion on my deadlift form too.
Always have a mate with me spotting and he insists it's fine but not sure if I believe him.
So, I'm now at;

55kg squat

60kg deadlift

37.5 bench

37.5 row

32.5 OH press

My weight has gone up from 13st 9lbs to 14st 3lbs!

Shoulders, chest and back are showing changes. Legs however have gone mutant on me! Quads and gluts have grown a hell of a lot!
Came close to failure tonight on the overhead press.
Final rep of set five. Arms turned to jelly and core was wobbling all over. Completed it though.

Felt a bit weak before I started, late night last night and active day at work might have taken its toll methinks.
Well, I now weigh 13st 9lbs again but have kept the muscle gains and the losses look to be fat.

Had to drop the weights back a little while ago due to illness but I'm now back to where I was beforehand.

Struggling to fit cycling around the weights as the days seem to coincide but hopefully it's not doing too much harm.
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