Beheading at Notre-Dame basilica in Nice

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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002

Sadly another attack in France from the usual peaceful crew. One woman beheaded and two others killed in or near one of the largest churches in Europe. RIP to those killed. It may be time to start carrying some kind of personal defence. What kind of weapon is legal here? A very small non-locking knife appears to be, but it's dodgy ground if there is no reason to carry it. What else?
Macron was right, Islam is in crisis across the world because such a large number of them think it's acceptable to kill somebody for drawing cartoons. I genuinely feel sorry for the normal moderate Muslims that get tarred by all these lunatics
Maybe it's a period that needs to be gone through for Islam to modernise, in the same way that Christianity had to modernise from the medieval witch trials, etc. But I really do think that all muslims, including the genuinely peaceful average person, are going to be tarred with the same brush and hated by the rest of the world at this rate.
I find it amazing that someone would opt to argue to use a less specific name for what this is. Why would you call this a far-right attack when it’s clearly far more specific to call it an Islamic terrorist attack.

It’s almost as if you’re trying to lump it in with other types of attack so that you can then downplay that Islamic ones are the most common/severe at current times. That couldn’t possibly be your motivation could it? If you can lump it in with other types of terrorism you can then start deflecting.

“well it’s a far right attack”
“not all far right attacks are Islamic”

What you’re arguing for is to stop someone saying:
“Oh that’s a nice BMW”
And you say:
“No it’s a car, just like any other car. Stop calling it a BMW, it’s a car”

Arguing for less specificity because you want to share the burden of guilt with other groups you deem responsible for far right terror. Your motives are incredibly transparent.

Have you considered a job in BBC journalism?
Have another +1
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