Being my own repository ?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Just a bit of sillyness really.

Recently, I have just bought myself and my family some Laptops for kicks.

I myself am running Mint on one and sabayon on the other.

The wife and kids are all with mint.


According to my logs, I have downloaded a whopping 67GB through Wireless and this is how the laptops are on the net.

So, I was wondering...

Could I just download the entire repository from "X" and then simply add a link to my own files?

That way I both get to only need to download the files the once, but also it will speed up any updates on the Laptops as they will only be coming from my server!

NOTE: I know that these files will be out of date in time.

If I can do this, can anyone either tell me how or point me in the right direction.

You (or someone else on the network) has downloaded 67GB of something. But it's not updates to the OS's. That's being eaten somewhere else. For example, I have a machine running FreeBSD and I can download and compile from source an entire desktop environment in less than 2 or 3GB. That's the base system, the X system and all required drivers, the desktop environment (KDE or Gnome usually) and any other drivers I might need like the NVidia drivers and audio drivers.

You would need to create an entire repository mirror for mint and one for sabayon since they're packaged differently, unless you intend to set up scripts to download and compile from source, in which case you'd need to set up multiple mirrored repositories for all the software that you want as opposed to mirroring the single massive repository of a specific distro and it's particular package format.

In short, it makes no sense and would be a lot of work. Personally, I'd hunt down whoever is chewing up bandwidth. Possibly HD youtube streaming? Possibly a lot of porn streaming? When I was on PlusNet's broadband package I could easily chew through my 60GB limit for the month JUST watching 720p and 1080p youtube videos from Drive, Motortrend, Smoking Tire and Jay Leno's Garage. And a bit of porn in there I admit. But seriously, updating your machines is not eating that amount of data.
Sorry, I need to clear some bits up...

I have ONE laptop for Sabayon.. My main one.

The other laptops are all mint and I have been piddling about installing and re-installing E
versions of KDE, GNOME, XFCE and MATE... Oh and I have had a shot at Cinnamon too, but I have lso been sodding about with both 32 and 64 bit versions of them.

Thats what has made it so much.

Its purely only me being a plonker, and I know this.

So, its only MINT that I want for this... The one sabayon Laptop only needs its own and so I have no need for the repo idea for that one.

No sense? Probably not but as the very firsty line stated... "Just a bit of sillyness really"

Thanks though.
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