I'm 37 years old, 175cm (5' 9"), weigh 10.9 Stone.
Over the last few years I've slowly started getting a belly and a bit of chest fat, I used to be super skinny and although people say I look a lot better now I don't like a having a belly, and the fact I'm nearing 40 it's something I really want to tackle now rather than later.
I've read tons online regarding reducing belly fat and nothing really seems conclusive, I will put the work in, I promised myself I never want to grow old with a belly and I won't let it happen, I'm just unsure what direction to take.
I've already started eating better foods, I'm a vegetarian so not sure if that helps or not.
The main thing is everything seems to say belly fat is the last thing to go, that being the case I can keep loosing weight and it will eventually go but then I'm going to be super skinny again, or is this what you do then put it on again but properly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Over the last few years I've slowly started getting a belly and a bit of chest fat, I used to be super skinny and although people say I look a lot better now I don't like a having a belly, and the fact I'm nearing 40 it's something I really want to tackle now rather than later.
I've read tons online regarding reducing belly fat and nothing really seems conclusive, I will put the work in, I promised myself I never want to grow old with a belly and I won't let it happen, I'm just unsure what direction to take.
I've already started eating better foods, I'm a vegetarian so not sure if that helps or not.
The main thing is everything seems to say belly fat is the last thing to go, that being the case I can keep loosing weight and it will eventually go but then I'm going to be super skinny again, or is this what you do then put it on again but properly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.