Belly advice please

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
I'm 37 years old, 175cm (5' 9"), weigh 10.9 Stone.

Over the last few years I've slowly started getting a belly and a bit of chest fat, I used to be super skinny and although people say I look a lot better now I don't like a having a belly, and the fact I'm nearing 40 it's something I really want to tackle now rather than later.

I've read tons online regarding reducing belly fat and nothing really seems conclusive, I will put the work in, I promised myself I never want to grow old with a belly and I won't let it happen, I'm just unsure what direction to take.

I've already started eating better foods, I'm a vegetarian so not sure if that helps or not.

The main thing is everything seems to say belly fat is the last thing to go, that being the case I can keep loosing weight and it will eventually go but then I'm going to be super skinny again, or is this what you do then put it on again but properly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Start off by tracking your day to day diet - absolutely everything using the free MyFitness Pal phone app - you can then tailor your diet and make any necessary amendments to your fitness regime accordingly. A fellow forum poster pointed me to that app - it's very useful.

Perhaps a balanced diet of 2000 kcals a day - comprising 45% carbs, 35% Proteins and 20% fats.

You could do around 15 minutes of running each day to start off with, start off slow and work your way up to 30 minutes, 45 minutes.

If you join a gym a 3 day split might be an idea - Day 1 Chest/Triceps; Day 2 Back/Biceps; Day 3 Legs/Shoulders.

Start off with 10 minutes on the bike to warm up then do the following exercises

Day 1 - Flat/incline/decline Benchpress, Dumb-bell flyes, Tricep dips, rope pushdowns

Day 2 - Narrow grip/Wide grip pull-ups, Lat Pull-down, Deadlift, Barbell Row, Dumb-bell curls

Day 3 - Squats, Straight leg deadlifts, Calf raises, shoulder press, side and front dumb-bell raises.

I'm sure there are some better routines, but the above should act as a good starting point - stick to 3 sets of 8 reps and low weights and rotate the workout days leaving at least 24 hours between each workout.

I used the above split for a while (with a couple more exercises thrown in) before going to Strong lifts.

Remember to stretch well and add some planks and other core exercises for your warm down each day.

All the best!

Thank you, just finished my 15 min run, well within my BMI but god, harder than you think, salt lips! felt good though, definitely will stick with that, downloaded the app, I'm not quite ready for the gym yet, bit nervous, getting some bells for home, going to ask around and see if anyone wants to go with me though.
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