Benacassim - Music festival

Quite a few of my mates went last year, they said it was brilliant. Think some are going back this year. I opted out though, not really into my Indie fests.
I went last year and had a great time. Not sure about this year because the lineup doesnt really do anything for me. Last year had some great acts in the electronica tent; too many to list :)

The weather is incredibly hot, and the bands dont really start until 11pm, so you get back to your tent just as the sun is rising at 6-7. A few hours sleep before its too hot in your tent, but then you can get a bit more sleep if you go down to the beach at say 5pm. Sounds awful but its brilliant :cool: . I'd recommend Bonnet campsite, as its the one with the most shade (unless your staying in a villa or something?).

One thing I would definately recommend is to sort out how you are going to get to/from whatever airport you are flying into. Last year, the trains from Barcalona were fully booked for 24hours after we arrived, so we ended up paying about £70 each for a taxi ride there :eek:.

There's a few pictures I took here if you're interested. Any other questions just ask.

The vibe is chilled and the people likewise; you'll have a blast :)
Yeah, I'm going this year with my two best friends, we bought the tickets a few months ago but haven't really looked into it much, besides campsites etc.
Thanks for the airport -> festival tip, I'll inform them of that one I think :D.

How much did it cost you without the entry fee in total, and how long did you stay? Did you stay for the post-festival beach party?

Any other tips?

I think it looks amazing, really can't wait, some bands I really want to see also. I just hope Interpol and/or Bloc Party attend =)
bennicassim is a brilliant festival would love to go at some point. how much are the tickets? how much do you reckon travel will cost you . cheers
What you spend whilst your there totally depends on what sort of holiday you're going for really. When I went it was at the end of Interrailing across Europe for a month, so I was used to not spending much money per day. IIRC, you could get litres(instead of pints!) of Heinekken for about £6 from the campsites/inside the festival "arena". Expensive but I guess they can get away with anything. You weren't allowed to take your own booze into the arena. In terms of food, its a beach resort so you get your usual cafe/bar/restaurant places along the beach. Or you can go to the supermarket and buy whatever you need for very cheap.

My mate and I hooked up with this french guy who was camped next to us. He'd driven down so we'd go to the supermarket every day and come back with loads of beer/sangria/food to eat at the campsite. Bare in mind you need some sort of coolbag with ice in it if you want a cold beer :)

The beach party was fantastic I thought. As you can see from the pics I posted earlier, one of the people I was with "passed out" on the beach and missed it all; but it was cool having a DJ on the beach and dancing in the sand/sea etc, a really good vibe. Unfortunately I think I read somewhere that due to the mess last year, they're not putting on one this year. However, I imagine there will be an impromtue gathering of sorts ;)

Another tip; as with all festivals I'd be wary of buying "treats" outside the gates. Knew a few people who took some dodgy biscuits and it put them out of it. Also bare in mind the heat its v. easy to get dehydrated, so drink some water as well as beer :P

Simoran1: They are releasing another batch of tickets on monday at €180 - thats an increase on the current price, and certainly an increase on last year. Travel costs - the sooner you book a flight the cheaper it will be.

I'm thinking of Dour festival this year, amazing lineup and cheap ticket price. I *might* do Benicassim afterwards, but with Glastonbury a month before it might be funds permitting :p

Have fun!
my house mate is going to this then making the trip down to exit festival a few days later. quite a distance but he's got a inter rail ticket so all should be fun.
That dour festival looks good, i really need to see justice and everyone else from ed banger records but thinking of just hitting creamfields to keep the cost down this summer(going travelling for 2 motnhs as of tuesday).
Was a toss up between FIB and Summercase this year, Summercase winning as it is in Barcelona, very easy to get to and can stay in a nice hotel. I think the line up at Summercase is slightly better also. Total costs each for a week over in Barcelona were £340 all in B&B in a hotel, flights and festival tickets.
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