benchmark your phone

4 Dec 2002
ilkeston derbys
has anybody d/loaded that benchmark thingy from futuremark ( mad onion ) for mobile phones . I put it on my 3230 and was gobsmacked at the chopper sequence . Also running doom on it and the graphics look like the original . Awsome I cant believe it can make phone calls to


p.s benchmark score = 553
sweet them n70s are pretty powerful . Does anyone know what phone gets the most 3d marks and I dont mean pda s .

I think you need to be running symbian os to run the benchmark but I could be wrong
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my mate has the new spv with touchscreen . It runs windows , its slow its got 2 batteries , when the batts have run out you have 72 hours to recharge or you lose all info . That sounds rubbish imo
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