Bent/Damaged fin

9 Dec 2019
Just unboxed my Corsair H115i and just noticed one fin in particular is very bent.
I know sometimes this happens on rads, but never seen it to this extent.
Do you think this would still be ok, or i need to get it exchanged?
Apologies for large photos.




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Probably nothing to worry about, but I would definitely power it up and test before installing. Personally I would ask seller I got it from for a replacement if I got a new radiator that had that kind of damage. Replacement with them paying for return post. The slight bending of most fins is pretty common, but there shouldn't be any as bad as that bad spot.
It was bought via here lol. I think I will ask for a replacement anyhow. Powering it on im finding leaking at the hoses at the pump end. I was lucky to spot it as i saw liquid on my graphics card. Fortunately it was on the plastic backplate. Been monitoring it for a day now and liquid still coming through slowly but surely.
It was bought via here lol. I think I will ask for a replacement anyhow. Powering it on im finding leaking at the hoses at the pump end. I was lucky to spot it as i saw liquid on my graphics card. Fortunately it was on the plastic backplate. Been monitoring it for a day now and liquid still coming through slowly but surely.
Get rid of it ASAP.
It was bought via here lol. I think I will ask for a replacement anyhow. Powering it on im finding leaking at the hoses at the pump end. I was lucky to spot it as i saw liquid on my graphics card. Fortunately it was on the plastic backplate. Been monitoring it for a day now and liquid still coming through slowly but surely.
I always run liquid coolers (AIO/CLC) before installing to be sure they work and have no leaks. Custom loops are run/tested before powering up system. I like to run them for 24 hours but at least over night before powering up system. Much safer than risking a leak in running system. ;)

But hay, I only have one H2O system now out of 6 in the house, and when it dies all everything will be air cooled.
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