Bent Heatsink Fins near the Fan Clips

18 Apr 2021
I just wanna cry...

I tried to get these damned fan clips from the heatsink, but they are too goddamn stiff, so tried to get them off in an alternative way, by unhooking the top part, but on doing so, and attempting to get the rest of the clip off, I bent about 4 fins near where the botton clip rests...


There... They are like bent pointing down...

God, how badly I messed up? Please tell me I just didn't destroyed my heatsink... Else, I'll really bawl my eyes out...

I just wanted to play games...

Well, thank you for your answers...
Ugh... I don't know, I can't really turn it on and see how it is now...

It doesn't seem like it is asymetrical...

I'd probably wait for a friend of mine to check on it.

Still, I'd wanna know how badly I screwed up.

Or maybe the worse case scenario.
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