Beresford DAC

What are you thinking of using it for, digital out from your PC sound card, or to upgrade a CD player with?

Upgrade output from Virgin Cable TV Box, and to experiment with CDs ripped to flac.

I have a Quad 77 stack driving a pair of German tower loudspeakers Quart 980s. An ageing setup, but still very good. The Virgin Box as-is matched the Quad 77 FM sound, although that might not be entirely fair, as the Quad tuner is taking ist sRF input from the cable. I have moved to a marginal reception area - so its cable sat or nowt.

Does anyone know how Virgin code their radio output?
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I have a Quad 77 Cd player (15 years old) and integrated amp driving some pretty expensive loudspeakers.

When I bought an Audigy card 4 or 5 years ago I copied a CD and did an A-B test between the Quad Cd player and the PC+Aidigy drive the Quad amp.

I thought the Audigy better than the Quad CD player - 10 years between them, but the Quad costing 10 times as much.

I think ripping to flac gives an even clearer performance through the Audigy.

So now I want to see how much better I can get it without spending £1000 on a DAC.

If I was starting from scratch I might easily take the AVI Digital Speaker route, but my Quad amplification and expensive loudspeakers still perform extremely well.
There also has to be a reason why phono is used over 3.5mm in most other apps.

The triumph of RCA Phono plugs in the HiFi world is a mystery. A plug that connects the signal before the screen is seriously flawed. A jack (1/4 inch or miniature does it the right way round, and can cope with a stereo signal. The 3 and 5 pin DIN plugs had their advantages, but none of these won over the phono plug.

And a balanced signal lead is always to be preferred. The phono won through an accident of history - RCA (Radio Corporation of America) with the Japanese selling hard into the US market. Nothing else stood a chance.
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