Beresford DAC

Hi Labarum,
I've read a bit about these on the audio forums - what are you comparing it to / using it with?

The Beresford is optically linked to a Virgin Media box and either a Shuttle PC or a MacBook Pro (either works as well)

It plays into a Quad 77 Amplifier driving a pair of Quart 980s Loudspeakers - large German tower speakers that, though ageing, will compete with the best.

The Beresford beats the analogue output from the Virgin Media box by a very large margin (expected.)

The Beresford beats the Quad 77 CD player by a very significant margin when playing FLAC files of the same CDs. How it would measure up against the latest Quad 99 CD player I cannot say.

The Beresford beats an Audigy (24/96) sound card by a significant margin when playing FLAC files ripped from CDs.

When playing

Studio Master Pro 24bit/96k FLAC

It is extremely clear, but I don't hear any dramatic improvement over CD quality. The insertion of the Beresford DAC makes a much bigger difference. I am looking for a 24/96 Classical Piano recording to compare.
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