Beryl + Kubuntu... i'm quite impressed...

12 Feb 2007
...probably old news to most of you, but i took the plunge today and installed Beryl on my g/f's old Linux machine (AMD Athlon 1800+); it's quite funky!

loads of eye candy to play with and it's not that bad on resources either - it'll go like stink on my AMD Athy 64 i reckon... it's not in the same league as Mac OS X, yet (in terms of aesthetics) but it's getting there, rock and roll!

anyone else playing around with it?

its on my linux install which im dual booting windows with, but for the moment i need windows for too much stuff so not played about that much to be honest.
When i get a old run down laptop on the cheap and install ubuntu on it im sure i will have a play!
Had a play with it a few months back, its pretty nice as a toy but not very useful in my opinion.
Yeah, it flies on my 3200 with 6600GT. Don't have it on most of the time as I prefer everything to happen instantly when I'm programming or such :) But I like it when I'm just being idle... :p
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