Bespoke simple CMS (Decentralised?)



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
When/if I ever go back to work, there will be a shift towards using React for our internal and external websites front-end.

While I'm a front-end dev, I tend to strictly avoid frameworks as work I have undertaken generally hasn't required it, so it's about time I got myself up to speed.

So I have a personal project for a friend I want to build at its core is very simple. It's a customer-facing website that lists some available deals and offers and a few of your usual info pages a small business would have.

Is like like to build my own CMS for this. Sure I needn't re-invent the wheel and could just adapt one of many CMS out there to my needs, essentially it's just spitting out a list however they come with their own baggage and aspects neither me nor the end user need. The aim is for a clean and bespoke solution for a very small site that only gives them what they need with a clean and tidy back end UI & UX.

So I want to use a React front-end to link it up with my current work position however I am stuck with how to configure the back off side of things. It's going to need a database of some sort and this is where I'm not 100% what to do. I'm keen to open myself to learning more outside of js. I have PHP & MYSQL experience and am comfortable with that however it's not the flavour of the month. Would a decentralised solution be more relevant if maybe a little overkill for the project?

Super basic CMS.
Front end/back-end interface will be React.
I'll need to be able to do server-side rendering for SEO purposes.
Need a back office solution for database interface... Node or Python API maybe?
Which database technology? SQL?



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
Thank guys! Appreciate the help.

Yeah I known it's reinventing the wheel, more for a learning exercise. I prefer to learn by doing something useful but don't want to jump straight into the frameworks before getting into the core of things. I find all these front-end frameworks fragile.

I might try a Django API with a Rest front end. May also look into Laravel as a monolithic project as that seems popular too (and I have some PHP background).

I'll never ever touch WordPress, it's just not for me.
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