Best 0% Credit card out at the mo

1 Dec 2004
I need to purchase car insurance and it works out a lot cheaper if I do the deed with a 0% credit card, I currently have an egg card with £400 which is maxed out.

Ill probably need around £500 to cover my insurance cost. Tesco credit card currently have a 0% on purchases for 12 months at the mo which looks to be the best offer.

Any others in the pipeline?

Need a quick reply as I need to apply ASAP :)
0% credit card is the way forward for things like these, iv done the research. Works out a lot cheaper. Im just looking at the tesco credit card, 0 % on purchases for 12 months.
Hmmm, tried a few 0% credit cards, and with the online applications they dont seem to be offering me a card :( it says the decision was made based on the scoring on my application on the website (not credit rating).

I dont get it, im living with parents, im 25, income is £18k per annum, i also have another 2k or so income per annum yet it still refusing me, been in job over 1.5 years, lived at my home address for over 8 years.
Im not being funny on the critisism. But can I stress this card is for paying for my car insurance, which will be like £450 anyway.

When this has been paid for up front, the card will be payed off every month, just as I would if I bought my car insurance on monthly payments, only difference is ill be saving a lot more money if I pay it all in one payment as I wont be getting charged interest every month for the pleasure of credit from the insurance company, also no deposit up front, which suits me better.
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