Best 17" TFT - Samy 770P or ViewS VP730

16 Jun 2003
I'm looking for a a really nice TFT to fit in a smaller space, so 17" it is. Can't decide between these two.

It'll be used for potoediting mostly, with office/internet second.

Price is not an object.

Samy 770P looks nice but has the external powersupply (more clutter).

Viewsonic VP730 looks nicely integrated but panel specs are lower.

any help appreciated, it's for a birthday present.
770P is PVA matrix monitor with 16,7m colours and VP730 is tn+film with 16,2m colours (bigger VP930 is MVA)
So I think for photoediting 770P is better, also it has way better contrast ratio and viewing angle...
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