Best 2.1 Speaker set?

Ive decided its either between the Acoustic Energy Aego M's and the Logitech Z2300's. Which set is better and why?

I dont really know much about sound systems :p
I have got the z2300, the bass is amazing i have never had them above half volume because they are very loud i was suprised with them being so small,

you also get a wired remote with bass, volume and a headphone socket which

you dont get with the aego's
Budget: Around £100
Size: ? Doesnt matter

What do you mean by pc tat or proper seperates?

I guess then id be after "pc tat":confused:

proper seperates generall cost more, take up more space, but usually have better sound.

However unless your willing to go second hand ** not going to get a seperates system with £100, and certainly not one with a sub aswell.

In short the best 2.1 speakers for around £100 new are the Aego M's, that is very well known. Others like the Logitecs maybe more practical with there remotes and things, but for sound quality alone, the Aego M's are the best.
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