Best 2 player games for VR?

I was looking for some multiplayer games to play with a friend that has also got a Vive but there are so few available yet. Gonna have to wait a bit for some decent ones.

At the moment we mostly play Pool Nation VR and HordeZ.
Actual 2 player games will be very hard to come by. Getting people with the right level of pc equipment, 2 headsets and 2 copies of the same game.... I doubt many devs would be developing that sort of game. Too small a market.
Multiplayer is still a thing though. As above had said hoverjunkers is the one at the minute.
HordeZ ....Online game

Has anyone had this working over the internet ?


I did have some troubles initially, i could create a server and a friend could join but when he created one I could never seem to join. Guess it might be a ports issue on his end but I didn't have to forward any.
Well I can say this works ..

On Friday I had 5 levels playing ..
was super

Not change a setting it just worked ..

Started game and changed server name to my user name so the others party knows who's server it was.
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